Beginner Pilates Exercises Tips: The 10 Best Moves

Beginner Pilates Exercises Tips: The 10 Best Moves


PIlates were created in the twenties of the last century in New York City by Joseph Pilates, and many of its exercises were originally used to help patients with World War I to rehabilitate injuries. Today, Pilates is used for fitness more than physical rehabilitation, although its focus on building a strong heart may help prevent or speed along healing from other injuries.

If you are considering presenting this exercise that focuses on the mind and body, it is understood that you have an understanding of the founding movements of Lilatis so that you can take advantage of this muscle -based exercise.

Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is a unique fitness in that it focuses on more than just burning calories and achieving toning muscles – although you will do these two things with a regular rhythm of layers.

Pilates focuses on three principles, according to the Pilates Foundation: breathing, the health of the entire body, and the fully commitment to the body, with “the entire body includes the mind, body and spirit.” Within these principles, the concepts of breathing, concentration, concentration, control, accuracy and flow are the basic pillar of any good router.

“There are many benefits that go beyond toning muscles or a great exercise,” says Rebecca Kennedy, CPT, Peloton Pilates and Faki, says. “Some of the best benefits of Pilates for me are that they improve the position and balance, and help in comprehensive flexibility and mobility, which are low influential and low on your joints.”

In addition, Kennedy can notice Pilates an excellent complementary exercise for other fitness activities such as running, cycling or strength training.

Finally, Kennedy believes that the connection of the mind and the body that checks out a repeated Pilates exercise is unparalleled in the world of fitness. Kennedy says: “The regular Pilates practice will improve awareness of mind and body while improving mental focus and concentration,” says Kennedy. “His focus on breathing enhancement can have an effect on reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.”

Pilates beginners' advice to take into account

Before diving turns to Pilates first, remember to listen to your mind and body – it is better to give up or modify the step rather than cause pain or injury. Kennedy says: Although it may be tempting to launch in some of the most advanced Pilates movements, it is better to see every “curiosity, instead of trying to make every step and check a box,” says Kennedy.

It recommends to nominate the basics of the movements listed below – not only a look at the step, but truly absorb the pumping and shape and align the basic Pilates movements before they become excessively interested in the time spent in a movement, a number of actors, or move to more challenging differences in the step.

Kennedy says: “The common concept that is common about Pilates is that you need to be flexible and have a lot of equipment to start practicing you,” says Kennedy. “None of these things is correct. You don't need to be flexible to start practicing Pilates, and many of the equipment used are all additional, so don't let any of these misconceptions prevent you from starting a constituent practice.”

Finally, Kennedy states those new Pilates that this is a slow and systematic practice. “Move slower than you think you need, and always move with control,” says Kennedy. “Take adjustments to any exercise that feels very challenge – it is best to take an adjustment that allows you to maintain a good shape, control breathing, and connect the pelvic bottom instead of rush through movement.”

Best Pilates exercises for beginners

Kennedy explains each of the ten moves in the video below. Follow with her or scroll down for detailed exercise instructions.

1. Hundred

Pilates hundreds works your essence and presents the concept of timing of your breath with your movements.

  1. Lie on your back with the knees bent and the feet are flat together on the floor.
  2. Stretch your arms to the ceiling on the height of the shoulder with your palm facing down.
  3. Keep your legs sticking together, use your heart to raise your legs in the table position, with your feet from the carpet, the knees over the ankles, and the ankles in line with the knees at a 90 -degree angle.
  4. Walk your head, neck and score in a “crisis” position while arriving at your arms towards your legs and expanding your legs for a long time on a diagonal line, about 45 degrees.
  5. Keep your wrists and fingers straight, start pumping weapons up and down in quick and short movements with inhalation for five charges and exhale for five charges.
  6. Repeat the breathing pattern ten times to reach 100.


Roll Up helps build a spine movement and impose the idea of ​​maintaining the pelvis for the duration of a representative.

  1. Lie with your arms extending over your head and stretch your legs directly in front of you.
  2. Take a large inhalation in your stomach, and while you can exhale, pull the pelvic floor on and above. Exhale while maintaining a tucked pelvic position.
  3. In the next breathing, lift your arms towards the ceiling. When you start to exhale, curl your head, neck and shoulder from the carpet, wrap one paragraph each time and use your lower absolute value to rotate until your hands reach your feet.
  4. Slowly rolled, inhaled the road down until your arms reach up and tunnels.
  5. Start the next lap on the exhalation.
  6. Repeat 10 times.

3. Tilt the pelvis

Tilt the pelvis is great for spinal movement and helping you communicate with the bottom of the pelvis and abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie with your knees bent and flat feet on the floor. Put your hands on your stomach.
  2. Inhale, allow your ribs to expand a little and tend the pelvis away from your ribs, creating a small gap between the lower back and the floor.
  3. On the exhalation, pull up from the pelvic floor by tilt in a back movement (internal movement) – discharge down your back on a mat. This is considered one delegate.
  4. Relax your heart and back, then start again, slow and monitor, for 10 actors.


Single leg extension is great for hips, basic, and comprehensive coordination.

  1. Lie with your extended legs.
  2. Pull your right knee in your chest with your arms as you wander your head, neck and shoulders from the carpet. Two accusations
  3. Then extend your right leg and pull your left knee in your chest.
  4. Alternative legs for a total of 10 times.

5. The leg circle

The leg circle is great for the thigh movement, hip stability, and basic participation.

  1. Lie with your extended legs and arms down from your side with the comfort of your hand in the face.
  2. Draw your right leg towards your chest inhalation, and on the exhalation, expand your right leg directly to the ceiling. You can bend or direct your foot.
  3. Keep stable hips while drawing circles with your right leg in both directions. Start with small circuits so that you can ensure your movement is involved and the hips remain stable.
  4. Inhale, then draw your leg across your body and below the ground. On the exhalation, lift it again to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 3-5 times for each leg, and attract larger circles where the absolute value and hips become more involved.

6. The side leg kick

The side leg kick is great for hips and gluttons, as well as to achieve balance, coordination and comprehensive muscular stability.

  1. Lie on your right side with your head on your right hand. Put your left hand on the floor to settle.
  2. Drink the hips, one over the other and put your legs a little in front of you so that you can see it in the eye line.
  3. Raise your left leg to the hip height, and involve your basic muscles and leg as you do.
  4. Press your left foot, then kick gently forward, and hit your leg twice as you go.
  5. Then, exhale, face your foot, and kick it behind you. This is one actor.
  6. Do 8-10 representatives for each leg.

7. Mermaid

Kennedy says that the mermaid is an exercise that should feel “delicious.” It is a really good extension that also works a lot.

  1. Start in a bowing position where you sit on one of the shine muscles with your legs a little to the side, both of which are knees with your feet behind you. Your lower foot should be slightly tucked under you. Ensure that you are sitting tall with straight spine and open chest.
  2. Put your lower hand on the floor a little away from the hips. Your other arm will start with your ear.
  3. Inhale and reach the top, and slide your hand to the side while you stretch away from your legs.
  4. Return to the starting position and switch weapons. Make sure to keep the long and open position even when switching.
  5. Repeat 8-10 representatives for each side.

8. Extension of the shoulder bridge leg

This step is an excellent foundation exercise for glue and tendons in the knee strings, as well as the transportation of the thigh and mobility in the spine.

  1. Lie with your knees bent, flat feet on the floor, and width of the hip.
  2. Press your gluttake and your nicks, and press your feet to push the hips towards the ceiling until you form a diagonal line from the knees to the hips to the chest.
  3. Correct one leg in front of you as you reach its opposite arm, while keeping the hips raised and level.
  4. Prepare your raised arm and leg to the ground.
  5. Repeat 8-10 representatives for each side.

9. Trader like the ball

The “Rolling Like A Ball” exercise not only helps to balance, coordinate, spinal movement and basic strength.

  1. Start sitting position with bending your legs and feet on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees as much as you need to seize your ankles.
  3. Randing your spine in a ball, wrapped forward and back on the spine while keeping your chin tucked. The goal is not to put your feet between each delegate. Instead, use your heart to keep the appropriate shape at the top of each delegate.
  4. Do 8-10 actors.

10. The saw

The saw is excellent for both flexibility and the basic strength using a little stretch movement while we are in a trading position, in addition to adding elements of rotation to build strength in the owners.

  1. Start sitting sitting with your legs extended and slightly wider than the hip distance. Bend your feet so that your toes indicate. Sitting long with your spine stacked, relaxing and opening the chest. Pull your shoulders down and away from your ears.
  2. Open your arms on your sides.
  3. Twist from your torso to one side, then stop as long as possible.
  4. Take two pulses on the exhalation.
  5. Inhale the starting position.
  6. Then, developed to the other side and repeated.
  7. Repeat 8-10 representatives for each side.


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