Cardif Prop Keireon Assirator and Ospreys Head Ben Warren are other options in the team with Willgrif John not available due to injury.
The Path Griffin wore the three -autumn Wales shirts, but was excluded due to shoulder surgery.
Ben Thomas is expected to be named in Fly-Heal with Nick Tombkins and Owen Watkin centers in a queue to form experienced midfield with OSPREYS No. 10 Dan EdWards in queue to take his first appearance from the seat.
Liam Williams was absent in the six countries last year, but he could return to the reinforcement of the three back alongside Josh Adams.
Back to the eighth number of Tailupe Faleetau can witness the first option trilogy for the first row of Aaron Winreret and Commander Jack Morgan.
Wales will hope to ignore the wainwright dragons dragons any fears related to infection.
GATLAND will designate his team on Wednesday, which is scheduled to show major changes from the start that lost 45-12 to South Africa in Cardiff in November 2024.
Wales lost a 12 consecutive record with the last international victory that comes against Georgia in the World Cup in October 2023.