US government has ‘secret program’ to reverse track UFO crashes and has been ‘hiding truth about aliens for 80 years’

US government has ‘secret program’ to reverse track UFO crashes and has been ‘hiding truth about aliens for 80 years’


A new documentary has revealed the UFO, the United States -classed UFO program, which proves the presence of non -human creatures.

The Age of Exclosure was shown for the first time in the south of the southwest on Sunday, making the crowds more skeptical about what government officials hide.


A new documentary revealed that there could be evidence of strange bodiesCredit
Video of infrared marine pilots from anonymous air phenomena.


The film made people wonder how hiding the governmentCredit: AFP

Dan Farah, who directed the film, did not provide any concrete evidence of non -human creatures but included dozens of interviews with members of the United States government, scholars and other experts.

The Washington Post reported that the film takes viewers within 80 years of unknown research on anomalous phenomena (UAP) and is exposed to an alleged large liquid program in which officials work on the reverse logical foreign technology.

Documentation of the documentary in Farah, information about the Supreme Company, which can create major clashes between the United States and countries such as Russia and China.

Critics of the documentary have argued that due to the lack of real evidence for foreigners, experts cannot refute any technical claims, but Farah claims that there is no proof of part of the comprehensive problem.

In the film, party parties gathered to urge the government to raise the level of strange body studies in order to improve society.

The Republican Senator appeared in Florida Marco Rodio, Democratic Senator in New York Kirsten Gebrand, and Republican Senator at South Dakota Mike Rolls on the screen to discuss higher government information.

“We have repeated cases of repetition of something working in the aerial field on restricted nuclear facilities, and it is not ours,” Rubio said.

“We do not know who it is … This statement alone deserves to be investigated, deserves attention, and deserves to be focused.”

The documentary raises important questions about American national security and the balance between what should be classified and what should remain special.

Jay Strateon has compared the former manager of the Pentagon Jay Strateon to study foreigners by creating the atomic bomb.

The Americans have the right to find out whether the “Dark Satanic” foreigners are among us – Donald Trump needs the UFO Caesar immediately

“The first country to crack this technology will be a pioneer for years to come,” Straton said in the documentary.

“This is similar to the Manhattan project: We have developed atomic weapons, won the war, and made us a great power for nearly a century.

“This is the atomic weapon on steroids.”

In the premiere of the film, Farah said that he spoke to ten other officials who wanted to remain unknown because of the fear of the government's revenge.

Some research is so secret that officials claim that the president is kept on the basis of a need for knowledge.

Louis Ellisndo, a former Ministry of Defense official and a member of the advanced space threat program that has now ended, feels that he must inform the Americans of vital information that “can change the course of our race.”

Contracts of research

The scientist Eric Davis rose to fame after leaking the 2002 memorandum between him and Thomas Wilson in 2019, where the couple confirmed the government's work in contrast to UAP's residues.

In the memo, Wilson, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, verified the authentic theories about UAP programs but said he was not familiar with full information.

However, when the memo was released, Wilson denied a Davis interview.

Other experts in the film confirmed that the United States has been working on UFO identification programs since 1947.

“I have seen in the eyes of the eyes of inhuman and inhuman beings,” said Straton, former UAP.

Straton said he had tirelessly fought with the government to reveal some of the UAP work band discoveries.

“I gave them not only the presence of inhuman intelligence, but that the title we should search for and rejected access.”

Elliundo revealed a deeper program than the UAP business squad, which “withheld from the Minister of Defense, Congress, and even the President of the United States.”

“UAP has canceled and activated nuclear weapons in both the United States and Russia,” he said.

World war

The era of disclosure seeks to answer one major question: Why can't Americans not access this vital information that can affect harmful human race?

Elaswdo and Surtron said if you enter the information in the wrong hands, then our whole world may be in danger.

“The worst fear is that if he gets a North Korea opponent, China, Russia-because it is very variable,” said David Forfor, the leader of the major weapons pilot, said.

Brett Vherarin, the former director of aviation security at the White House Security Council, urges civilians now to help with the secrecy effort in UFO research.

Feddersen Americans ask to report anything they might be skeptical of.

He said during the first show: “If you see something or know someone with him, do not be afraid.”

“It is difficult to determine things, but let the professionals take them and make sure to pass them.”

The American sun communicated with the disclosure era production team, but it did not receive a response immediately.


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