Christina Hendricks On ‘Mad Men’ Sexism & ‘Small Town, Big Story’

Christina Hendricks On ‘Mad Men’ Sexism & ‘Small Town, Big Story’


mad men The star Christina Hendricks believes that the fans “learned a little ethics” from the days that were playing her role in Joan Holway at Amc Smash.

Think about a decade since the end mad men, Hendricks told the pluscinemaz.comof the pluscinemaz.comfor the best in terms of the way men in particular discuss female actors.

“I think people have learned a little ethics now and know that you do not ask about physical and bodies when you never met them,” said Hendricks, who was nominated in six times. mad men. “It is really not their work. I think there has been a big change since then.”

Hendrix, who spoke in the past about the difference in the audience's reaction to Crazy men Males and females pointed out that the show was “aesthetically highlighting, which was like suspense and most prominent”, but he said, “The way people asked and went [exploring this] It was incredibly inappropriate, and we hope that people have learned their lessons a little. ”

Via nearly 100 profitables, Matthew Winner mad men It was one of the American tents in the Golden Age of TV, as it made stars like John Ham, Elizabeth Moss and Hindrix.

Hollywood on TV

Christina Hendrix in “Small town, Big Story”


Since I came out, Hindrix fell a set of prominent TV roles including Sky's A small town, a big story, Who has the first international show next week in the Mania Confab series in Lille.

in A small town, a big story, Hendrix plays the role of Windy Patterson, Hollywood Hollywood producer who returns to her Irish hometown with only major cinematic production to highlight a hidden secret. The Chris Odod series, which was launched late last month, is also the role of the championship in Badi Konsidin, Culk Peters, Tim Hidker and Audod itself.

Programs about Hollywood Feel in Vogue, with Seth Rogen's Apple TV+ Series Studio The fictional president of the great American player to be launched in a week turned.

Hendrix said that the reason for this was two parts. “The general public who was not in filmmaking was interested in this industry and did not know what it takes to obtain projects on the screen.” “Then in Hollywood, we love to make fun of ourselves. People enjoy mocking us – they like this industry and confuse this industry.”

This was true from A small town, a big story, She said, who takes the light touch approach to the topics he explores through the comic style IT mobilizationand Bandes of honor and girls O'dowd star. Hendrix performed comparisons with CBS strikes in the 1990s Northern exposure Around the eccentric population in a small town in Alaska.

“This is a specific type of piece,” added Hendrix. “It is a flowing piece that I enjoy watching. It contains this strange humor and the vitality of the small city, and a sense of society that many people are looking for.”

While it was joking that the photography in Ireland was often suffering from “cold, wet, rain and wind”, she said she felt that the show could run for more seasons. “When you get a text you think,” Can this be the fifth, the next ten years of my life? And “and [with Small Town, Big Story] She said, “I immediately thought,” Yes, “there are many characters to discover and play with them in these relationships. It is fun and magical, so there is a lot that we can do there.”

Hendricks has been abundant recently, as you see today's launch of the Holo series for her A good American family, While the next season of Apple TV+ Bridgerone–Squee Pirate He returns in June.

A good American family He tells a similar story but in the adoption of Natalia Grace, an American -born American, with the dwarf that her family abandoned after she claimed that she was adult. Hendrix said that the offer, which is based on the investigation discovery document, is columns regardless A small town, a big story.

She added: “It is a completely different tone, a completely different topic and a different personality, but this is the pleasure for me as an actor, and I am able to do a lot of things.”

A small town, a big story Next Wednesday screens in the Mania and Hendricks series will be in France.


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