Yoko Ono reveals death threats from Beatles fans in new film with rare John Lennon footage

Yoko Ono reveals death threats from Beatles fans in new film with rare John Lennon footage


Yoko Ono reveals the death threats that she got from Beatles fans in a new movie

John Lennon and Yoko Ono at the Dick Cafeet exhibition in 1971 after moving to New York. ,

A new movie about John Lennon and Yoko Ono shows the extent of the audience's abuse to boldly marry the Beatles singer.

Fans will listen to unknown personal archives from New York in the early 1970s, such as phone calls and recorded home movies and photographed by the spouses to one: John & Yoko. At one stage, Yuko talks about amazing mistreatment – similar to the social media that hunt these days – that she got after she started seeing Lennon in 1967.

“It is assumed that the person who separated the Beatles. As you know, when I was pregnant, many people wrote to me to say” I wish you and your child dying, “says Yuko.

Also, I got a rubber doll that contains a lot and a lot of needles in it, in the body, mouth, nose and everything.

She added: “You know, I know for sure that whenever journalists met Paul George or Ranjo, they ask,” What do you think of Yuko? “.

“Now, whenever they asked me about the Beatles, I said:” The Beatles is four beautiful, smart, creative and artistic people, and they outperformed the group. “While none of the Beatles made any comment on me. Have you heard any comments about me in the press by the Beatles?

Read more: John Lennon's tragic comments revealed about the assassination – “They can get you in Disneyland”

John Lennon and his wife from Yoko Ono week in their bed
John Lennon and his wife for Yuko Uno at Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam, March 25, 1969. The spouses were organized as a “bed for peace” that was “protesting war and violence in the world.” (image: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images))

In another section of the film, Yoko gives a letter at the first international feminist conference, which occurred in 1973.

During the title, he explains the way that society was treated after she started dating her husband for the first time, and criticism has declined in her self -confidence.

For his part, John tells a friend on the phone: “I fell in love with an independent, frank and creative genius.”

John was also asked about the risks involved in speaking against President Nixon and enhancing activity while in New York, which bothered some of America.

“People are trying to kill us? I'm not about to get a shooting. This will lead to excitement in her own way. I am still an artist, a revolutionary artist, right?”

He would continue to shoot himself by crazy fans Mark Chapman after a few years in New York in 1980.

The film is described as an influential look at the life of the couple when they enter New York in the 1970s.

In addition to the conversations, it contains rented footage and sound from the Madison Square Garden party on August 30, 1972 – Displaying entitlements to the Special Needs Willbroook School at Staten Island after he saw John and Yoko that urgent money was needed when watching news footage on TV.

One concert was the only full show that John made as a single artist after the Beatles and was alongside Yuko on the stage and their bands.

While the film is released only in cinemas next month, it already contains one big fans who helped strengthen the sound of concerts in the movie, their son.

“I was completely ground,” said Sean Lennon this week. “I think not everyone realizes how special is for me to hear my father talking or seeing him. I grew up with a specific number of pictures and sound clips that everyone knows. Even the things that I have not seen or heard before are a deep matter for me, because it is like more time with my father.”

John and Yoko meet together, the cold Türkiye, the mother, and do not worry Kyoko as part of the group. John will also make other guests in active gatherings as well.

John says at one stage that he is convinced that his phone is suffering from eavesdropping, which has proven the FBI files that were released after his death that he was true.

First of all, I thought it was crazy bone because I was reading conspiracy theories, but you can hear the things that occur, on the phone every time you pick them up, people click outside. There are many repairs that occur in the bottom floor to phones every few days.

“Then we started noticing the people around the apartment. We follow this car until we feel very tense.” The couple also appears fighting the threat of deportation.

But amid activity and controversy there are also lighter moments. Among the telephone tapes, there are multiple conversations about attempts to find Yoko flies for 1970, which required insects around the naked woman's body. At some point, someone suggests trying a pet store and Yoko becomes another call that someone just needs to go out and buy some.

Sean told Mujo magazine: “The idea that the pet store will have flies really funny.

Like, who keeps a fly like a pet?

He added, “The work in John and Yoko should be really fun and strange.”

“My Bang is running around Manhattan who is looking for flies.

* One to one: John & Yoko was released in Cinemas Nationwide on April 11 with IMAX inspections on April 9 and 10.

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