Killer whales are bringing back a strange trend in the 1980s, and scientists think they are trying to lose their youth.
These sea creatures wear dead fish on their heads in the United States, suggesting that even killer whales are slaves to fashion fads.


Strange salmon hats baffled experts in the summer of 1987, and nearly 40 years later, the reason behind the hats remains a mystery.
In October, killer whales were seen swimming with dead fish on their heads in southern Puget Sound and off Point No Point, Washington state.
Funny pictures of the animals show dead salmon sitting on their heads, while they continue to swim as if nothing has changed.
Experts believe that this trend is being revived by those who were part of it at the time.
“It seems possible that some individuals who have experienced… [the behavior] The first time I probably started it over again.”
Deborah Giles, an orca researcher at the University of Washington, is equally confused, commenting: “Honestly, your guess is as good as mine.”
Right now, the best guess is that it has to do with excess food availability.
According to reports, southern Puget Sound is currently teeming with salmon.
With so many organisms, killer whales may simply be saving their food for later.
But this theory may be wrong, as scientists are now able to observe the creatures like never before.
Original trend of 1987
in summer In 1987, it is believed that a female orca started the trend for no apparent reason.
Within a few weeks, the rest of the group jumped on the bandwagon.
Salmon carcasses have been transformed into indispensable fashion accessories.
New drone technology that wasn't available in 1987 has allowed experts to capture whales in action — fish caps and all — in a way they couldn't do before.
“We've seen mammal-eating killer whales carrying large pieces of food under their pectoral fins, kind of tucked inside,” Giles continued. the next To their bodies.
“Over time, we may be able to gather enough information to show that, for example, someone held a fish for 30 minutes or so, and then ate it.”
Salmon hats are a perfect example of what researchers call a “fad” — behavior initiated by one or two individuals.
This is then temporarily captured by others before being abandoned.
Then the trend ended a year later, and would not reappear for several decades.
It is not known what theories existed at the time about why this happened, or how long it might last.