My mother, Elon Musk, Osha Vans, praised her “smart and charming” on Monday in a joint publication that asked why the second lady – who faced attacks on her heritage – did not pay more attention to being the first Hindu to serve in this role.
“Why doesn't anyone talk about Osha Vanced being the first Indian American and the first Hindu to serve as a second lady of the United States?!” Reading shared by Maye Musk on her son's social media platform.
“Usha, even smart, smart and magical,” said Mai Musk.
Oshha became adoration by many in the Republican Party after her husband, Vice President JD Vance, was chosen as President of President Trump.
President Trump jokingly said that he considered the choice of Usha as a deputy to choose for him during the 2024 elections while he was on the platform on the opening night after he divided him as a senior commander 47.
“The only smartest [than him] Trump said, as he turns to Vans, who is his wife. “I would have chosen it, but somehow, the caliphate line did not succeed in this way.”
Vice Vice President Vanced, while he was in the campaign campaign in July, revealed that he and his wife faced attacks of white superiority in the past as a result of her Indian heritage.
“Look, I love my wife so much. Verse said during an interview with Megan Kelly on her pod”: “I love her because she is who she is.”
“It is clear that it is not a white person, and we have been accused, attacked by some white outstanding people on this. But I just loved Osha.”
Vans said that in addition to being a “good mother” for their three children, the children of Iwan, Fifik and his daughter Mirabel, the second lady is also a “wonderful lawyer” raised by a family of immigrants who work hard.
He said, “I am very proud of it.” “But yes, her experience gave me some perspective on the way it is truly difficult for families working in this country.”
She and Fans got married in Kentucky in 2014, one year after he graduated from Yale's Law College, and moved to San Francisco in 2015.
Even before her husband became vice president, Osha faced racist notes on her husband's career path.
In 2022, Vans criticized one of the largest newspapers in Ohio to publish political animation mocking his opposition to the baseball team in Cleveland Jersires changing his name from the Indians while he was running for the US Senate.
The ordinary city merchant newspaper, the cartoon, by Jeff Darcy, showed that Vans stand next to his democratic opponent, Representative Tim Ryan, on a stage of discussion in the equipment of San Francisco giants.
“Just change the name of the Indians that I support is my wife to” the wife of Senator C.
His campaign, the simple agent, called for “condemning their actions immediately, or perhaps this racism is fine because it is against the Republic.”
In a statement, Jay Chapria, the chief strategy in Vans, called on the simple agent to “condemn their actions immediately, or perhaps this racism is fine because it is against the Republican.”
The newspaper, Ryan, supported the Senate four days after the animation was run, but Vans defeated the Democratic candidate on November 8, 2022, the general elections.
The parents of the second lady to America immigrated from India in the 1970s and raised her in a Hindu family in San Diego.
Her mother, biologist and Provost at the University of California, San Diego, and her father, an engineer, emphasized the importance of education and perseverance – which leads to hard work and study higher priorities in her upbringing.
The success of Usha in the semester will take its fruits when it was accepted at Yale University.
After completing her university degree, she received a prestigious Gatees Cambridge Grace, which is granted to students who show “distinguished intellectual ability”, allowing her to follow a master's degree in philosophy at Cambridge University.
After her time in Cambridge, Yale Lu came – where she met her husband and vice president in the future during a classroom mission.
In his book, which won the approval of the critics, “Hillbillly Elegy”, Vans referred to his wife as “Spirit of Yale” and “SUPER SMART of two immigrants.”
While he was at Yale University, Osha was the editor of Yale Law Journal and the administrative editor of the Yale Journal of Law and Technology.