Spoiler Alert: The following reveals the main plot points of CROSSOOR from NBC from NBC.
NBC Chicago Medand Chicago fire and Chicago PD She met together for a Cross Malagi event in transferring the concession to the next level.
Due to the epidemic, six years have passed since one in Chicago Fem to bring some bad guys, but they certainly made it worth waiting. All three shows are produced by Universal Television, a section of the Universal Studio Group collection, in cooperation with Wolf Entertainment.
In “in the trenches”, the first respondents in Chicago unite in the wake of the catastrophic gas explosion and fire that threatens the city government building. The episodes were broadcast in a different order with Chicago fire The launch of the night follows it Chicago Med and Chicago PD Sealing the procedural splendor for three hours.
This was an epic event, from start to finish. We started talking about great ideas for the intersection very early in the season, and the story developed over the months and months. Chicago fire The bidder Andrea Newman via email to the deadline.
“The Three Wonderful Books – Victor Tiran (fire), Stephen Hutchtein (Mid(Joe Halbin)PdThey had their own small room for weeks because they installed stories and personal movements. We all really wanted to feel like a big movie instead of three separate episodes. Then we had to read the upscarcase table with all three offers, which was the journey of suspense in itself. “
Neuman revealed via email, the team took a break for 10 minutes during the zoom and everyone shown their pets.
Here is what I learned, “We Weber has a dog called Cat and Jessy Schram has a cat without hair called Pirate.” She did not reveal plans for the emergence of Cat and Pirate in a future episode but fans must start a campaign.
The major work experience was especially unique for Eline McDonald, Chicago MedThe presentation recently that joined the series in the current season 10.
“It has been contracted mainly, I started Chicago Med The book room, then Wolf Entertainment said: Guess what?! We do the intersection! McDonald said:
“It is really useful for the three -show book to be in Los Angeles, and that all the staff and crew in the same studio in Chicago … He made things more logistical implementation. I know that all members of the acting team in the three shows had an explosion They work together on this wide range. “
Dermot Mulrononi as President Dom Pascal
In the middle of the story of tonight, there is an explosion that pushes the city of Chicago to unite the respondents for the first time in the union as one entity with the outbreak of chaos. The people are desperate to be assisted as the medical staff must evaluate and separate those who need life -saving care immediately from those who are not threatening their injuries.
Firefighters focus on dropping fire and finding the source, the position that Severe (Taylor Kenny) was preparing throughout his life. PD faces their own challenges during their race with time to find the perpetrators and prevent further harm.
While all of this happens, Stella (Miranda Ray Mayo) underground on the subway at the same time with Rosak (Patrick John Flogir), and they are trying to get out of the passengers from the train and above the ground to safety. However, their attempt was in vain. The structure above has collapsed on everyone, and now they are all stuck in the train with a limited amount of oxygen and patients who need desperate medical attention. To add flame to the fire, unintended, they later learn that the suspect may hide among the victims on the train.
In heroic work, Stella is saved as a teenager using the items that you can find on the train while receiving the instructions that were volatile and were later cut off due to the communication problems as they were under the ground.
(LR) Patrick John Flogir as Adam Rosik officer, Miranda Ray Mayo in the role of Stella Kid
Somewhere above Earth, Artcher (Steve Weber) tends to a man who became trapped under the concrete, whose legs will later to save his life. Archer's vision in his modest and modest moments with patients is the forefront. When joined MidArircher lived in this gray area and was ready to do almost anything to go ahead, regardless of who was wounded. It was good to see him developing through multiple seasons to who is today. He is still a Hwadd and believes he knows the best of everything, but it seems that he was modest because of his hot exchange with Linux and the creation of Godwin (Epatha Merkerson) clinging to life after he approached a very chase of ending life.
Seeing Archer, Voight (Jason Beghe), Pascal and their teams that work close to each other, prove how stronger all of them while working together through departments.
“Everything starts with letters. Neumman commented on how to choose characters for the tasks and cooperation specified in the intersection,” We take from and where they are and where the characters choose the stories that you will challenge more than others and reveal new and amazing dynamics. “
“We also like to take personalities that have not interacted before, and it seems that this is completely different from each other (such as Kidd and Ruzek), and we throw them in a position of schools together to find out how they deal with them, and what they go out in each other.”
Join Sejan, an exhibitor Chicago PD In addition to seeing the team leaders working again together outside a cross, “I think it would be great to return them again – each of them brought a new and different energy to our group. The conjugation was great – we wanted to be somewhat unexpected and provide a nice conflict with each other Some, as it ends with a lot of them.
(LR) Jason Bigi as the sergeant. Hank Footy, David Agenberg in the role of Christopher Hermann, Taylor Kenny in the role of Kelly Sevreide, Marina Skirci as Kim Burgis officer, Dermot Mulrine as President Dom Pascal
There are some characters in the one holy Chicago world who agree to protect at any cost. The book Kroos threw that all of this is outside the window when they put Troodi (Emmy Morton) and Mush (Christian Stoll) via Winger.
When we see Mouch for the first time, he is with Bestie Herrmann (David Eignberg), a misunderstanding he had the previous night with his wife Trudy. After the explosion, Mount and Trudy is briefly reunited and it is clear that the first is to get a cold shoulder from his wife. Confused about his matter, he made his best to stay away from her, and later learned that there was a misunderstanding between them. Troodi was sad and little that Motch had forgotten her birthday.
Trudy starts from leaving things in the air with Mount because it helps the team that heats up the path of people or people responsible for the act of terrorism. The suspects were briefly monitored, but when they escaped, Pascal Trodier was sent to the garage to search for them.
The former PD colleague works at Trudy's, Bates (Jennifer Regan), now in security while he is in the case. It is cooperating with Toudi in search of the bad guys, but they are divided because each of them takes a different way down.
Bings collide with Ruzek and Severide who were hot on the suspect's path before losing them. The scene is flying to Trodier, leaving the elevator in the car garage, where she collides with a suspicious male figure wearing a gas mask. She wears it below while she indicates her rifle on him as he sends his case. He explained that he was in the building to drop some shapes before the explosion, but Trudy is not convinced. I asked him to remove his mask but before he did so, someone calls back in the back three times.
In the end, it was found that Bents had shot Trody and that she was from the inside that worked with the terrorists for their plan. It is a very touch and goes to Trodier, who was transferred to the Jafni Center in Chicago Medical, where she died several times before Linux (Sarah Ramos) and Rabili (Luke Mitchell) saved her using experimental surgery.
Moch feels comfortable and grateful after the rotating ship on the day he left almost widow. We can be sure that Moshe will never forget a birthday or annual memory again.
“It may have been a much more enjoyable story than watching! We all knew that Christian and Amy would kill anything we presented to them; they are talented and reliable representatives and also loved in the three shows. Sejan commented:
Neuman adds, “Ha! [Mouch] It is better not to forget again. We are obsessed with this couple. There is a lot of passion and love there – they later found each other in life, and they know how lucky they are. But Mouch was focusing on the work as he was armed with the Lothanant position to the point that it allowed Trudy to fall second. This is not a place for Troy Platt. So it seemed to be the right time to increase this relationship and challenge it a little, and bring some real feelings to the surface. “
(LR) Amy Morton as a censor office. Troodi Platt, and Cristian Street in the role of Randy “Mach” MCOLLAND
Peter Gordon/NBC
Speaking of Linux, she was placed in a tense position by Burgis (Marina Skircity), who needed to question a patient who thought he was one of the suspects. Linux carried her land and could not break the rules because it may affect the health of her patient. Whether the patient has committed a crime or not, doctors are obligated to the principle of the Opinth section: it does not harm. Burgis's frustration is very clear after the explosions, to the extent that Linux finds a way to be flexible by sharing the mass that helps solve the issue.
“[Lenox] In fact, she suffers from tremendous pressure for her to make a medical decision that she does not feel in the interest of her patient's health. So she stands on her homeland and protects her patient, but she still finds a way to help PD track new progress. Linux, rock music star.
When asked about the future of Linux and Artcher's relationship, he participated in a hidden note with the deadline.
He said: “You just have to see to see how many things that you may become between Dr. Archer.”
“How much rugged” means a lot of things! I will really lose it if McDonald and the writing team prepared them for a relationship that exceeds the professional. They are like water and vinegar! Strange things happened, but I am curious to hear all your theories.
Stephen Weber as Dr. Dean Artcher
Chicago Medand Chicago fire and Chicago PD Return with new episodes on February 5. Newman and McDonald shared whether or not their show stories will pick up the intersection or if the special event was satisfied.
“In the past, we have performed a stand -alone transitions, but this part is part of the fabric of this season, for all offers. Newman said:
Common MacDonald, “The intersection is certainly designed to exist as his experience for 3 hours, but it does not exist alone in Al -Atheer … It is integrated from the organic point of view and time sequence in the current season of all three offers. So there will be post -nudity repercussions on many Onechicago characters. That moves forward … some of them are more than others. Mid“