A man was placed in a coma, and his legs were amputated after his thumb was burned on a frying pan.
Max Armstrong, 40, was burned while he was on vacation in December 2024 and “he did not think much about injury” until it was too late.


It was Colorado citizen Camping With his friends in Kiwa, in the middle of the state, he was only trying to cook pasta when he was injured.
He described himself as “to be in the open air” that Max received scratches, discounts before and was not very tense about the burning.
Max said: “He grabbed a mistake and did not touch my thumb, the hot part, I felt that he was burning while moving to the table, but I did not want to drop it.
After dinner, I cleaned the burn, put a bandage on it and left it.
Unfortunately, dinner was enough to burn to get Strep A..
The employer, from Franktown, said it was a hunting trip with friends “turned into a little nightmare.”
A few days after his injury, Max began noting some terrifying symptoms.
The left leg became significantly swollen, nail nails and became purple, and was drowned in painful and painful pain.
On the sixth day, he was transferred to the hospital and was immediately diagnosed with a two -way medical condition.
Poisoning can occur when the body's immune system responds to the infection in an extreme and harmful way – even if it appears to be a small injury, such as burning the pan.
In the hospital, the eyes of Max began rolling and doctors confirmed at Adventhealth Parker Strep a Bacteria The burn entered, leading to blood rot.
“At this stage, the burning on my thumb became very ugly, as it turned black and it seemed that he was eating away from my thumb,” Max continued.
“The doctors were asking me a lot of questions, but my eyes started rolling in my head and began to talk in nonsense.”
Because of the severity of his condition, he was placed in a six -day coma and moved to a better hospital equipped.
His family was warned that there was an opportunity to see it, but because of their satisfaction on December 13, he woke up from his coma.
Max's mother and his wife Megan were in the hospital to see him and were happy when he woke up.
He said: “My family was very happy, and I heard them chanted, then I entered the nurses and started cleaning me.”
Unfortunately, while the sepsis continued in the mascot coma at his feet and spread to his legs.
He said he remembers looking at his feet and for him horrorBoth are completely black.
When someone turns into darker during poisoning, this can be due to the lack of oxygen in the area.
This can lead to the death of tissues and gangrene that, when it is severe, may require amputation.
Max moved from camping with his friends to wake up in a hospital in Denver after a coma, just to tell both his legs to remove him.
Pets occurred on December 23, 2024, and it took a total of three hours.
Max added: “At first when I woke up, I thought my leg was still there and then realized that it was not.
“I felt my leg and realized that my leg was not there. I asked the nurse and confirmed that my leg had been amputated.
“She told me that my family was waiting for me and continued to remind them of the one that focused on me.”
The 40-year-old spent 16 days at Sky Ridge Hospital for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation recovers and learn how to use a wheelchair-a device that is now relied on for the rest of his life.
He went to physical rehabilitation lessons three times a day, learning the up exercises of the upper body.
“Now I am on a wheelchair and my three -headed writing is my lifestyle,” I explained.
After bearing a long and horrific trip, Max finally managed to leave on January 29, 2025, and he adapts to life as a amputation.
Since his story was shared, Max has received a huge amount of support and thousands of dollars were collected on his behalf.
Gofundment aims to help on the long way to recover, and Max has shared his online appreciation to anyone donating.
On the site, he wrote: “I felt humility and happiness in the contributions of GOFUNDME.
“You are all heroes on my journey to walk and wander again.
“I can't start expressing how much this means for me.”


What are the symptoms of poisoning?
Blood rot is a life -threatening reaction to the infection that occurs when your immune system exaggerates and begins to damage the tissues and organs of your body.
Symptoms of poisoning include an adult:
- He behaves in confusion or a diagonal or meaningless speech
- Blue, gray, pale, bush, lips, or tongue – on brown or black skin, it may be easier to see the comfort of a hand or the soles of the feet
- A rash does not fade when a cup roll over it, such as meningitis
- Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or breathing very quickly
Symptoms in the child include:
- Blue, gray, pale, bush, lips, or tongue – on brown or black skin, it may be easier to see the comfort of a hand or the soles of the feet
- A rash does not fade when a cup roll over it, such as meningitis
- Difficulty breathing (you may notice snoring noise, stomach absorption under the rib cage), or shortness of breath or breathing very quickly
- A weak and high -tone cry is not similar to their regular cry
- Do not respond as they usually do, or do not care about normal nutrition
- To be asleep from the usual or have difficulty waking up
They may not have all these symptoms.
If you think you or another person have symptoms of blood rot, call 999 or go to A & E.
Source: nhs