Single star Katy Thorston revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34.
The TV character, who was involved in the comedian Jeff Arcore only last September, moved to social media with sadness news.

Share a health Update, Katie admitted that she was “ready to fight” because she is subject to more tests and treatment.
The reality star wrote: “Life update: I have breast cancer. Yesterday I saw all the husbands spread Valentine's Day celebrations. I felt envy if you were honest.
“Jeff took me to Hawaii and then, we were walking in the world before the roots were finally grown in New York City.
“But instead, I spent Vday to coordinate a place to live in where I must return to no For more tests and treatment. “
Read more about a bachelor's degree
TV star said she was using the next A few months to organize her life around different dates.
“I used my morning to find out the Insurance of New York City and the laws on the previous conditions.
“I have set the date of other biopsy dates, fertility, Mental healthSurgery, as well as a team meeting to discuss the comprehensive treatment plan, which will include chemotherapy.
Katie first discovered a “small block” on her chest and initially put her to her cycle or tenderness in the muscles from exercising.
But when the bloc failed to solve it, Katie visited a doctor and got shock news after a series of tests.
Katie will now have to undergo chemotherapy and mastectomy in the coming months.
As a result of chemotherapy, Katie said she would “keep her eggs” in fear of this will affect her fertility chances.
“I have faced a set of feelings over the past two weeks. Despair. Anger. Sad. Denial. Then power is purposeful. Ready. I cried a lot.
“I even tried to make a video instead of this post and I couldn't,” she said.
“But one of the things I did early is to search for other stories like Lee. Other young women with breast cancer. Gaze canal cancer. Breast eradication.
“Load After breast cancer. All their stories helped. So I intend to be the same for others. This is the first day of participation and will become a long period.
“This was the first step of realistic acceptance was the most difficult. But I am ready to fight this.”
Katie also praised her fiancé Jeff for his support, adding: “I don't know how I will do this without you.
“The non -selfish love that suffocates me is beyond anything I imagined, I will be blessed. I love you to the fullest of this age.”
Fire was shot as a contestant in the 25th season of the Bachelor's degree, and the sequence of season 17 of the single.