During the direct event of WWE Delination in Canada, which was leading to Wrestlemania in April, those who attended the American national anthem, which exceeded the anger of sports analyst, has become McAfee.
Sing by Elizabeth Irfing, who also performs a hymn to the Hockey Vancouver Kanox hockey team and Vancouver Whitecaps Football Club, Al -Saffari reached a special temperature at the height of the song and the words “Wahul Ructas Red”. Throughout the performance, it was captured and shared on social media, Irving maintained a slight smile on her face and continued forward.
McAfee posted a video of the electronic broadcast on X showing his reaction to the accident: “Kinda absorbs this [the event’s] In the terrible country Canada This national anthem shouted to start this entire thing, “he shouted while leaving his seat, where Michael Cole and Woy Barrett were listened to laughing.
The professional wrestling scene in Toronto, Ontario is held, the fifteenth exclusion room, which will be held at the Rogers Center on the first of March. The exhibition has also been distinguished by the glorious return of professional wrestling, Jade Cargill, which was absent from WWE TV since it was attacked behind the scenes Friday night Smackdown In November.
The screaming seems to be a continuation of his apparent dream, which started nearly two weeks ago, when hockey fans in Montreal exited the stars banner during the hockey match between the two countries amid constant tensions with the tariffs of customs tariffs. Since then, some of the New York Rangers fans took the Canadian national anthem.