Jessica Decstra “from the survivors of cancer to Thriver” went after hitting the cancer that turned her life upside down.
Dykstra, 36, was a model and actress who appeared on the GQ cover and in music videos.
Her world was disrupted when she was diagnosed with cancer – something she was denied.
Daxtra hurt her leg in an accident in October 2019 and forced to leave Los Angeles and move to Georgia to be with the family.
Demaryius Thomas's late NFL star retired in Georgia where he had a family, took a look at the injury and concluded something that was not true.
The recipient pushed one level for Jessica MRI-where doctors discovered that she had a rupture crescent and also a small block in her leg.
Jessica told the US SUN newspaper in an interview in 2023: “The function of every little girl's dream was to grow up and be a model.
“I didn't really know what I wanted to do and got lucky to the point that I was a model and lived in Israel, Milan, New York and California.
“This dream function was subjected to me and I was painful. This may have been the most frustrating thing.
“I lost 15 pounds, and started to get a night sweating and my legs continued to explode.”
Jessica continued about her work and went to Yellowston to film a new project.
She fell while running on a hill and rushed into a local hospital for more surveying operations.
X -rays revealed that the bloc became larger while the biopsy proved decisive.
I went to Miami to get a second biopsy-as it was confirmed that the model had a non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Jessica revealed: “I told the doctor that he was full of s *** and expelled him from my room and was like” I have no cancer, what are you talking about? “
Then I knew if I lost my hair, there is my career in the fashion show. I didn't want the cancer to be, so I did not see him almost because I did not want to see it.
“It is difficult for your head to die almost. You are in a state of denial.”
“I told the doctor that he was full of S *** and expelled him from my room and was like” I have no cancer, what are you talking about? “
Jessica Dickstra on cancer diagnosis in an interview with the American sun
The model started a comprehensive treatment and was able to reduce the tumors from 8 cm to about 3 cm before the radiation on its leg last year leads to another problem.
The examination showed that it had two blocks 11 cm in its stomach and they were resistant to its comprehensive treatment.
“These things were growing out of control – they moved from 11 cm to 15 cm in two months.
“They started pressing my kidneys and bladder and went in kidney failure.
“I got 18 lbs of swelling. I thought I was winning weight and looked nice, but it ended up entering the hospital.”
The model needed plastic tubes in its kidneys to keep it open, but these stents led to more complications when they started chemotherapy.
She was in the hospital after doctors discovered that the vein in her leg had a clot, which led to the need for the bloodshed every day.
Jessica picked up an infection during treatment and went to the shock of sepsis four days after chemotherapy.
The bacteria caused by the infection ran on their body while the number of white blood cells was down, and lived in plastic supports.
Jessica said: “The septic shock is the most terrifying,” Jessica said. “The heart rate was 140.
“But everything happens for some reason and tell me if I don't have these supports in my kidneys, I would go to the failure of the members.
“The supports are the place where bacteria grow, but they also keep me alive.”
It needed an emergency surgery to replace the pillars and blood.
Jessica announced last year that she overcame cancer in the battle of her life.
I was published on Instagram in April, “I have returned from lymphoma in the fourth stage to a happy healthy woman again.”
After three months, she said: “I asked the Lord, heard, and answered.
“What is impossible medically for doctors, it is not medically impossible for God.”
Unfortunately, Thomas, her friend of the US Football Association, Thomas, died at the age of 33 in December 2021 due to complications related to Nubia disorder in a great shock to the football world.
Jessica said: “He died and it was very sad because we thought I was sick,” Jessica said.
“It was very crazy because it was very healthy, and worked every day, and was very paid and focused.
“I got the first magnetic resonance imaging and I really owe cancer when I did it because I was going to continue transporting trucks and waiting for recovery.
“It was like” no, we have to collect this, you have to go and become well. “His mother is really nice too.
“He and his mother were the best friends and really felt satisfied that there were people who care about me.”