Dylan Walsh, Seth Green, Charlie Weber To Star In ‘The Highest Stakes’

Dylan Walsh, Seth Green, Charlie Weber To Star In ‘The Highest Stakes’


Exclusive: Dylan Walsh (Blue blood), Seth Green (Family(And Charlie Weber (How to get away from killing) She was appointed to a star in excitement The highest risk From the Steven Paul's SP Media Group collection.

in The highest riskFive strangers are invited to the high-risk poker, but with the development of night and buried secrets, they discover that the game is not related to victory-it is related to survival.

Tony Dean Smith (WillIt is directed by a text by Gary Prixer (Gold drilling(Based on the story of Paul, which produces. The film is scheduled to be distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution next year.

Paul said: “Like every wonderful poker game, this is a battle of intelligence, deception and survival,” Paul said. “We have gathered a tremendous team, but in this game, not only wins the house – he decides who makes it alive.”

Walsh was presented by a group of independent artists and managed by McGuan Rodriguez. Green is redirected by UTA, UTITLED ENTERTAINMENT and Weber Reintemed in a clear movement.


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