Dear Abe: She got married 27 years ago. Most of them were miserable. My husband was addicted to alcohol for more than 40 years. I consider his behavior emotionally offensive. I hate my house. My children (22, 19 and 17) do not want me to leave it. I live in a sleeping room throughout my day, except for going to work. He now says he wants to take birth control pills to stop drinking. It is just another lie. He will never do it. I am a woman in 56 and I want to end everything. I am very miserable I can't do another year of this. –– You cannot continue like this
Dear cannot: You should not have to do another “verb” of this. Consult a lawyer about the legal separation and exit. Tell your children with good intentions that you may return when their father could prove that he left drinking. If takes, as soon as it is wearing, it may be less emotionally worse. (Do not rely on it.) However, if it fails to follow up, the divorce file.
Dear Abe: I was invited to attend the wedding of my nephew, and immediately RSV'D “Yes”. She was also invited by her sister to her wedding shower and received positive. I have a service dog I eat with me everywhere. Both parties advised that I am bringing it.
The sister told me that I am not invited or I could leave the service dog outside on the balcony. Now, a month later, three months after saying yes to the wedding, I was told that I am not dependent on the wedding because of my service dogs. Is it still expected that a wedding gift is expected? I had planned to give my nephew, a sterling silver dinner set. What do I do now? – Go, don't go, in Illinois
Dear Go: Forget the gift of bathroom and wedding. If you feel a tendency generously, send a nice couple with a nice card. If your animal is, in fact, a trained service dog to help you need it, it was wrong to cancel your invitation (invitations). Your dog had spent well and would not distract.
Dear Abe: My 32 -year -old son does not talk to me, his father and sister because I finally refused to give him more money. He has always helped him with his financial resources while spending his money foolishly. Nine months have passed since we talked or saw each other. He has two children, so we have no contact with them either.
I want to tell him how fool is, but I don't feel that I should apologize to him. He feels jealous of his sister and feels that we do everything for her. We have always done the same for each of our children. My daughter is rarely borrowing money, but if she does that, she is returned quickly.
Should I wait for my son to miss us enough to contact us alone or communicate with him? He is very stubborn, and this may last for years. Sad in the south
Dear sadness: Call the spoiled, entitled the son. Tell him that you love him, but you do not change your position on the issue of money. After that, the ball is at its stadium.
Dear Abe, written by Abigil van Burin, also known as Jin Phillips, and was founded by her mother Pauline Phillips. Call my dear Abby to or Po Box 69440, Los Angeles, California 90069.