In 2020, the Foreign Intelligence Service in Germany reached 80 % to 90 % of the possibility of the Corunafid virus behind the COVID-19 on the time of the Chinese Wuhan Institute for Virus, two German newspapers reported on Wednesday.
According to a joint report issued by the Die Zeit and Sueddeutscher Zeitung publications, the BND Spy Agency indicated that the institute conducted job gain experiments, as viruses are modified to become more transmitted to humans for search purposes.
The newspapers said that it had indications that many of the safety regulations violations occurred in the laboratory.
The evaluation of the spy agency was based on the “Saaremaa” intelligence code as well as the data available to the public.
The report said that he was assigned by the German advisor office at the time, Angela Merkel, but it was never published.
BND refused to comment. When asked about the report at a press conference, outgoing adviser Olaf Schulz refused to comment on Wednesday.
The papers stated that the evaluation was shared with the CIA in the fall of 2024.
A CIA spokesman in January said that the CIA has valued the Covid-19 pandemic to arise from a laboratory more than nature.
The Central Intelligence Agency said at the time that it was “low confidence” in its evaluation and that both scenarios – the origin of the laboratory and the natural origin – are still reasonable.
The Chinese government says it supports and participated in research to determine the origin of Covid-19, and Washington has accused Washington of politicizing the matter, especially because of the efforts made by US intelligence agencies to investigate.
Beijing said that there is no credibility of allegations that the laboratory leakage is likely to cause the epidemic.
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said last month that the Wuhan Institute for Virus has never carried out any functional gain research on Corona viruses and that it did not participate in the creation or leakage of the Covid-19 virus.