Michael Jackson Fans’ Death Threats

Michael Jackson Fans’ Death Threats


Leaving Neverland Director Dan Reid says he was targeted by thousands of threats to kill Michael Jackson fans, as a result of making a documentary about two men saying that the star offended them when they were children.

Red said Guardian Newspaper: “I had killers trying to find me. I had people threatening to shoot me the armed. I was threatened several times.”

Reed spoke to the pluscinemaz.comearlier this week about the process of making Leaving Neverland 2Continued for his first burning movie, released by HBO in 2019. The Documentary Wadi Robson and James Safshuk, who claimed sexual assault, was overwhelmed by Michael Jackson, during the peak of his career.

Both the director and its topics were targeted at the time of the first movie by Jackson's enthusiastic fans, claiming that they were all out to earn money from an innocent man who was no longer here to defend himself.

At the end of this week in GuardianRed went beyond the threats it personally targeted:

“I kept a company with very violent people for a very long time. I do not want to say that I am a difficult man, but the needle does not go red until I get something completely specific. The threats you take to face to face I took serious airplane “.

Leaving Neverland 2 He picks up the story in which the first movie stopped in 2019, where he recorded the Battle of Robson and Safechuck with the Jackson Estate, as they seek to hold the singer's ability to hold the singer to the abuse they claimed to have suffered.

HBO is not a partner of the new documentary, which will be shown in North America on real stories, the YouTube Documentary Documentary Channel, and Reed “truly excited” to reach a wide audience as possible. The documentary will be shown for the first time on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom on March 18.


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