Bath raised the bet in the first half, as they sent three “bombs” against the bench to boost the front row – their presence was immediately.
Their strength soon won the Skom Punishment, which allowed them to hit the Exterre line, where the replacement went to Du Toit after 12 Sapping.
The hosts made a second attempt by TMO when Josh Hodge ranked above the left touch line at the beginning of a sweeping step that ended with the end of Paul Brown Bambwe's excellent in the right corner.
It will prove a pivotal moment. Instead of cutting the gap to one degree, see the exter visitors get out of view.
Yandle's home commander saw yellow to obstruct approximately a bathroom, and since Sinbin, he watched his side.
Denger through a small gap to extend a long arm on the line, and the game had increased effectively when Max Oujohoh was held close to the line before Captain Richards collapsed from the resulting clouds.
Bath Hooker Den, in his fourteenth season with Somersrest Club, added more shine with the second attempt, as it was taking place through challenges and reaching the line, before Schreuder dive into the corner, Bath tried to half.
Exter: Sio, Yeandle (C), iosefa-Scott, Molina, Tshiunza, Roots, Vermeulen, Fisilau, Townsand, Skinner, Hodge, Tua, Hawkins, Brown-Bampoe, Wyatt.
Alternatives: Frost, Blose, Street, Pearson, Capstick, Cairo, Haydon-Wood, Rigg.
Sin: Yeandle (56).
bathroom: CordWell, Spandler, Verden, Jeanes, Richards (C), Green, Staddon, Barbery, Carr-Smith, Donoghue, McConnochie, Butt, Redpath, Cokanasiga, Emes.
Alternatives: Dunn, obano, du toit, Reid, Peppper, Schreuder, Ojomoh, Coetzee.