Grant Bradburn: Sacked Glamorgan coach fined for discriminatory language

Grant Bradburn: Sacked Glamorgan coach fined for discriminatory language


In its written reasons for the punishment, the Center for Disease Control said: “It was claimed that, on a number of occasions (including during the period before the 2024 season in the changing room in Sofia Gardens), Mr. Bradburn asked the Asian background players what the” real age “and the response to their answer” they do not tell them to their era.

“It was claimed that at the pre -season team meeting, Mr. Bradburn made comments, in decisions to choose cricket in Pakistan, who would choose their friends and children of their general or choose their names from a hat.

“It was claimed that in useful practice sessions, Mr. Bradburn will use the phrase” This is not the Western Storm “or the like, when he considered that the male players were proven that there was no severity in their field or not throwing them sufficiently, indicating that they” throw like girls. “

“It does not mean any crime, and he never denying these statements, fully cooperated with the investigation, and apologized without reservation if any crime was taken,” noted by the Nuzillands, noted by the New Zealand, noted by the New Zealand, and he apologized without reservation if any crime was taken. “

The ruling added: “Mr. Pradburn stated that although he has always sought to create a comprehensive and supportive environment, he was reflected on the specific allegations, and soon he admitted that the language he used is not appropriate.”

However, the committee found that the comments were “harmful to the interests of the cricket game, and the game and Mr. Bradburn brought in a bad condition, and the European Central Bank undermined [England and Wales Cricket Board] The strategic goal of eliminating discrimination from this sport. “

“We have a policy of non -tolerance to discriminatory behavior, once referring to issues to us, we have quickly acted to protect the affected people and show a strong line against bad behaviors that do not reflect the club's values,” said Dan Chery, CEO of Glamorgan, a welcoming of the organizer’s decision.

“We are confident that the systems and operations we have in place to determine bad behavior are working on the fact that those affected by those who felt able to advance in these points.”

“There is no place to distinguish in the game of cricket and the normalization of discriminatory language through this type of behavior is unacceptable. These cases are determined, they will be investigated and those responsible for them will be calculated,” said Crick Chris Huard director,

“The organizer would like to thank Glamorgan for their help in this matter and praise the openness and courage of those who have informed this misconduct.”


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