Urgent tourist warning as pics show Mickey Mouse pose with beaming fans – moments before launching horror KNIFE rampage – The US Sun

Urgent tourist warning as pics show Mickey Mouse pose with beaming fans – moments before launching horror KNIFE rampage – The US Sun


Mickey Mouse is caught by the police after tourists threaten a knife.

The terrified tourists were transferred to social media to warn others of the fraudsters on the street that exceeds the character of Disney in Naples, Italy.


Tiktok user warned tourists from Mickey Mouse in NaplesCredit: NewsFlash
A picture of Mickey Mouse's amulet with a child in a cart; The amulet claimed that the money was money.


Another user of Tiktok posted a picture of her child with a threat characterCredit: NewsFlash

Commonies and videos on social media show the Kingdom's magical amulet that demonstrates with pictures with smiling tourists.

But everything is not as it seems.

Tourists who do not want to pay the price of the pictures reported that he was threatened by the character, as one of them claimed that he pulled their knife.

A Tiktok user posted a picture of her young daughter with Mickey Mouse Inversonator.

I wrote: “I was very excited and made my daughter take a picture with Mickey Mouse.

“I have now discovered that he is wandering with a knife and someone does not give him money.

“Praise be to God that we escaped.”

Others have posted pictures warning tourists to avoid a harmless character if they face it.

Local MP, Francesco Emilio Borlie, informed the police to the police after receiving many reports and videos on the shadow topic.

Borilli said the fraud, who denies Mickey Mouse, said to threaten money from tourists and citizens who picked him out.

Inside the deserted Walt Disney plane – with Mickey Mouse matches, cigarette curiosity and cockpit faces

He added that in one video, one of them claimed that the man was also armed with a knife.

Borily said: “We cannot allow people like this to act without hindrance in the city's tourist areas, which destroyed the image of Naples and created a climate of fear between citizens and visitors.

He added: “I want to achieve access to the facts and if the allegations are confirmed that he will be arrested and dealt with.”

The deputy called for the “Mouse Trap” patrols to arrest the fraudsters.

He added: “Napoli cannot be hostage to those who think they can do what they want without any respect for the law.”

The fraudster works in a tourist hot place, through Toulido in Naples.

A picture of a woman with the mascot Mickey Mouse; The text of the text shows that the amulet demanded the money to obtain a picture and found that it contains a knife.


Two friends praising the magic amulet of the magic kingdomCredit: NewsFlash
A woman stands next to the mascot Mickey Mouse.


Another tourist smiles as she settles pre -approval with Disney's characterCredit: NewsFlash


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