When does Fortnite OG Season 2 end? Your last chance to complete the season’s OG Pass is coming up

When does Fortnite OG Season 2 end? Your last chance to complete the season’s OG Pass is coming up


The Fortnite OG 2 season has ended almost, and although many of its advantages will remain in the new season, it will remain the end of an era as the Persian Persian skin leaves the battle corridor to make room for more returning characters.

A new collection of toxins, weapons and cosmetics contained next season of Fortnite OG, as season 2 is about to finish.(image: Epic games))

The current season of Fortnite OG is scheduled to end very soon, and will lead to a new (or old) era from the packed bounce position to the edge with fresh cosmetics.

Fortnite Og Season 2 was an explosion, not only because it finally gave the players an opportunity to use the micro -shield doses, which, with a shield dose spawning rate as it was before, may have been the greatest comfort in the entire update. The entire season was a great season, as it was a huge pass in the second season full of terrorist cosmetics and always returning to oblique towers that players could only fall in love again. It is a big deal, especially since the game still has a passenite Chapter 6 Season 2 Battle to Work pass, as the basic game offers piles for players to do, such as the opportunity to cancel the external key cards insurance with tasks and earn some free cosmetics with the Spring Party.

It was an explosion, but unfortunately, all good things should end and make way for something that could be better. Enter Fortnite Og Season 3, a new expected access to the situation that was appointed to reflect the third game season ever, hit the translated meteorite and strive for new space cosmetics, along with a scattered sky with meteorites and the arrival of Lucky Landing Poi. Of course, the secrets are located in the store on how these classic features appear, but we must find our way until the end of the Fortnite Og 2 season before any of this comes. But when is it exactly? Here's what you need to know about the date of the end of the Fortnite OG 2 season.

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The date of the end of the Fortnite Og 2 season

The date of the end of the Forentnette OG 2 season Tuesday, March 25 at 12:30 am GMT / 3.30 am EST / 7.30 am GMT. This date and time was confirmed when we explored the date of the start of Fortnite Og Season 3 and was also confirmed in the game, with the inclusion of this date as is the case when players expect the end of the Fortnite Og Season 2 Battle Corridor, located in the Passes tab on the main page of the game.

Not time to wait for the new season, but the changes that will come can knock your favorite parts of the Fortnite Og 2 season. Cross your fingers, prepare to fill your OG pass, and we will see on the other side.


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