British Gas customers who cut energy use this weekend could get £926 boost

British Gas customers who cut energy use this weekend could get £926 boost


To encourage a larger work this year, British gas is equivalent to 10 of its customers from PeakSave who reduce the use of electricity during the Earth hour with free electricity for a year

The initiative is part of the global earth watch (image: Getty Images/Istockphoto))

British gas customers can get free electricity for a year, and all they need is to reduce energy use for an hour this week. The power company 10 British gas customers offer an opportunity to win free energy on Saturday to the ground.

Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals and companiesGovernments around the world to take responsibility for the environmental and carbon imprint. For 60 minutes, everyone is encouraged to extinguish their lights to allow darkness to spread all over the world. “

Previous land hours have seen major landmarks such as London Eye and Sydney Opera House Open for one hour. In the United Kingdom, the Earth Day will start at 8:30 pm and will continue until 9:30 pm.

To encourage a larger work this year, the British are equivalent to 10 of its customers from PeakSave who reduce the use of electricity during the watch with free electricity for a year. Based on the average annual electricity cost, this will sit at a price of 926 pounds.

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The Save Peak Plan is rewarded with money from their bills to convert electricity use to times when there is less demand, or more renewable electricity available on the network. This can wash clothes, using the oven, or using a stumbling dryer. The supplier currently offers “the peak of Sunday preservation”, which gives electricity half of the price between 11 am and 4 pm.

With Save Save on Sunday, British gas customers do not need to subscribe, they get a 50 % discount on electricity automatically. The savings appear as “PeakSave” on your energy bill and a summary will be sent for what you saved every month.

Those who pay the prior payment of their electricity will automatically add to their meter every month – usually within 10 working days after the end of the month.

British Gas launched peak events in December 2022, according to the energy supplier, more than 800,000 people saved more than 20 million pounds so far.

You can subscribe to the scheme on the British gas site by entering your full name, email address and customer reference number. If your request succeeds, the supplier will call you and support any money that is provided after sharing every week. To join the Saver chart, you will need to get a smart meter that can send half -hour readings.

It is important to note that the peak preservation events do not change the tariff they are working on. This is still the same. This is because you are collected from the customs tariff rate and then the additional recovery.

“The Earth Hour is a strong reminder that small procedures can make a difference- not only to the environment but for 10 Peaksavers who can win free electricity for a year. They are inserted to withdraw a prize to win free electricity, but Peaksaves needs to use less electricity during the Earth Hour during this time,” says John Evans, BRISHISH GAS.

How to join the peak event on British gas day

  • Be a Peaksave customer with a smart meter working
  • Use electricity slightly less between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm on Saturday, March, 22 2025, and you will be entered automatically to withdraw the award
  • 10 clients have made any reduction, large or small, – compared to their usual consumption at this time – they will get 926 pounds of energy credit.

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