Samuel L. Jackson Reveals Invaluable Advice He Got From Bruce Willis

Samuel L. Jackson Reveals Invaluable Advice He Got From Bruce Willis


Remember Samuel to. Jackson is some of the invaluable tips he received from Bruce Willis while shooting her He dies strongly with revenge In 1994.

“Tell me,” I hope you are able to find a character, when you make bad films and do not make any money, you can always return to this character that everyone loves, “Jackson shared an interview with Vanity Fair to celebrate Willis 70. He said:” Arnold has happened finisher. SilfstPI got Rocky, Rambo. I got John McCalin. I like, “Oh, well.” This did not happen to me until I got the role of Nick Furi-and I had a deal of nine pictures to be Nick Furi-and this, oh, I do what Bruce said. I got this character now. ”

Jackson continued to make ten films from Nick Furi, starting in 2008 Iron man. He went to appear as anger in Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron & The war of infinityand Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Away from the house Recently, 2023's Miracle. Films achieved about $ 12.8 billion at the box office.

Jackson also told the Los Angeles Times in an interview in 2022 that he was not interested in receiving prizes for his work.

He said: “I was not leaving the Academy Awards ceremony as a measure of my success or faction as an actor.” “The Standard of Success is my happiness”

“Am I satisfied with what I do? I am not making the statue chasing films,” continued. “If you do this movie, you will win the Academy Award.” No thank you.

Jackson cooperated again with Willis in 2000 Unbreakable.


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