Grateful Dead founding member Bobby Weirlooks ‘forward to dying’

Grateful Dead founding member Bobby Weirlooks ‘forward to dying’


Bobby Weir, a founding member Dead Dead, is one of the last men standing in the legendary rock band.

The idea of ​​deaths has exceeded a ware, as he saw that many members of his band are going through.

Although she lived a life full of music and memories, ware feelings were not fear, but by acceptance.

“Every day, things will change. I will say this: I look forward to death,” said Ware, 77 years old, Rolling Stone.

“I tend to think about death as the last and the best reward for life well. That's it. I still get a lot on my dish, and I will not be ready to go for a while.”

While no signs of slowdown appeared, several deaths witnessed his band members, including guitarist Phil List and guitarist Jerry Garcia.

“I hope … well, Phil reached his eighties. Jerry did not do, and there was a lot that Jerry had to do that he did not offer.

Why was one of the founding members and died in October 2024. He was 84.

Ware was famous for the “little brother” of the dead, as he joined the band at the age of 16.

Bobby Wrier has seen many of the death of his band members, including guitarist Phil List and guitarist Jerry Garcia. Gety pictures
Bobby joined a dead dead at the age of 16. Reuters

In 1963, Garcia met in Palo Alto, California, in an alley, according to Rolling Stone.

Weir is one of the few members of the band, along with drummers Mickey Hart and Bill Krottmann.

Before the death of Lesh, the colleagues of the four -band discussed the 60th anniversary of the rock band this year. Since the death of Lesh, weir is now not sure that the band has not been reunited.

Bobby has returned to Las Vegas for another and a company with 18 exhibitions in the field. AP

“We are speaking a language that no one speaks,” Wares explained. “We are communicating, kicking things back and forth, then we give our little statement in a more universal language.”

He continued, “For us, it is a look or movement with one shoulder, or the way it reflects a phrase or something that shoots the other players who go with it with this. Then they work to be heading, and get there with a small surprise for you. This is a formula that works well for us over the years, and there was not enough of us now to leave us anymore.”

However, Ware returned this month to Las Vegas for another establishment and company with 18 exhibitions in the field.

Weir is one of the few members of the band, along with drummers Mickey Hart and Bill Krottmann. Reuters

He said: “This is what I do.” “This is what I am here for.”

Meanwhile, in October 2024, Lesh's death was confirmed on the official Instagram page.

“Phil brought a tremendous joy for everyone around him and left behind a legacy of music and love,” he read social media at that time.

The dead was grateful in 1995 after the death of Jerry Garcia. Michael Ochz Archives

“When an elephant, the band spoke,” said the founder of a partner partner, partner partner, guitarist, guitarist, who died in 1995, once about Pass List played.

The dead was grateful in 1995 after Garcia's death, but why did he continue to perform in his eighties, and often with his son Graham Why.

Lesh and Garcia met for the first time in 1959, and after contact in 1964, Garcia Lesh called to join the group, then called it Warlocks. Garcia asked why the guitar was played, which he had not done before, according to Rolling Stone.


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