How Movie Did In Blue & Red States

How Movie Did In Blue & Red States


Exclusive: Going to the weekend, Disney snow white It was called Snow in Vitriol Online circles, which begged to the question how this Princes movie will happen at the box office in the Trumpan state divided by the blue and red states.

Rachel Zegler-Gal Gadot Live Action takes a 1937-year-old Disney Melody Melody that was bombed in the local Bo with a 43 million dollar opening of the production cost of $ 270 million (before P&A).

This is what we can tell you. snow white For each window for Endteigence 60 % Of the sales of its tickets and Derw 56.5 % Of its total presence (3.1 million acceptance) in theaters that reside in Blue provinces.

Now, these numbers come with the star. It makes sense snow whiteIts business will be drove in blue provinces simply because the majority of theaters in the United States reside in such areas by 53 % (as specified in the results of the presidential elections 2024) and the generation of 66.78 % of the total film tickets sales and 63.58 % of the presence of cinema. Think that oblique liberal areas like La, NYC and Chicago are the best Bo market.

Meanwhile, family ticket sales and animated films come from 63 % of blue provinces/37 % of red provinces while their presence stems from 60 % of blue clips/40 % of red provinces.

Gal Jadot in “Snow White”

Walt Disney Studios

This means that snow white with 40 % Ticket sales and 43.5 % Acceptance of cinemas in Red County in such sites. More support this: snow white Excessive performance in Latin and Latin markets such as Dallas, San Antonio and Phenix. Mark Webb was directed by Mark Platt, as it was produced by the musician with a Latin/of Spanish origin by 30 % of the Caucasus.

This is an interesting census given the uproar during early production on Zegler for the tournament and its decline against such consultants, and she wrote, “Yes, I am white, no, I am not getting rid of my skin for the role (such).” Stephen Spielberg discovered Western side story The newly elected actress Botos also exploded after beating former Vice President Kamala Harris in the book “F*CK DONALD Trump”, “May Trump Trump, Trump Foters and Trump himself never knows peace.” November about Ziegler) with the actress apologizes for her views. snow white For Zegler and GADOTER/PostTrak for 34 % who bought tickets to evil Because he starred in Ariana Grande and Sinthia Evo.

Although Disney tries to put her best foot with a diversity in pouring snow whiteThe film's release comes at a time when many companies, including Disney, are declining Dei's initiatives and policies for fear of the Trump administration. Board of Directors of the Federal Communications Committee, Brendan Car, said before the weekend that the government can be prevented by the government due to their DEI policies.

“There was no red theater blockade due to any perceived differences with snow white“In fact, the theaters' performance in the red provinces was better than it was usually for a family/moving movie of this size and scale,” said Steve Back, chief strategy official at Endteigence, said.

Although we cannot deny that Zeger and DWARVES controversy did not affect snow whiteThe box office ceiling can also be attributed to the fact that there is a decrease in the demand for the oldest IP of Disney, not to mention that there was no cross audience for the film. Read, EndtyLigence says that 28 % of the audience was under 13 years old snow white Compared to the saying Barbie Which pulled 14 % less than 13 on the opening weekend.

At the same time with all this, the box office sources, not just Disney, confirm, snow white She played equally throughout the country. It was the highest cinema in the picture in a red state: Amc Disney Springs at Buena Vista, which raised $ 135,000 until yesterday.

While it is not expected to revive the prince's kiss snow white At the box office, fathers and young girls can give it a little elevator in the arid Break Brek market.


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