Former Mia Loew, from Utah, the daughter of the Haiti immigrants who became the first black republic of the Congress, died on Sunday.
It was 49.
The Al -Hob family published news about her death on the Love's X.
She had recently undergone brain cancer and got immune treatment as part of a clinical trial at the brain center at Duke University. Her daughter said earlier this month that the former legislator was no longer responding to treatment.
Love died at her home in Saratoga Springs, Utah, according to a statement published by the family.
Her family said: “With grateful hearts full of influence on the deep influence of Mia on our lives, we want you to know that she died safely.” “We are grateful for many good wishes, prayers and condolences.”
Utah Spencer Cox's governor referred to love as a “real friend” and said that her legacy in service inspired all those who knew her.
Political love entered in 2003 after winning a seat in the city council in Saratoga Springs, a growing community about 30 miles south of Solt Lake City. She later became the mayor of the city.
In 2012, LOVE was slightly lost by the House of Representatives against the Democratic Beach, former MP Jim Matthenson, in an area covering a series of the suburbs of Salt Lake City. She ran again after two years and shook the candidate for the first time Doug Owens with about 7,500 votes.
Love did not emphasize her race during her campaigns, but she admitted the importance of her election after her victory for 2014. She said that her victory challenged the rejectionists who suggested that a black woman, a Republican, could not win a seat in Congress in the overwhelming white state of Utah.
It was briefly considered a rising star within the Republican Party and kept Donald Trump, who was unpopular with many Utah state voters, while he was running for the presidency before the 2016 elections.
In an article published earlier this month in The Desret News, Love described a copy of America in which love arose and shared its constant desire for the nation to become less exciting to the dispute. She thanked her medical team and every person prayed for her.
Loew said that her parents migrated to the United States for $ 10 in their pocket and believed that hard work would lead to success. She said that she grew up enthusiastically in the American dream and “to love this country, warts and everything.” She said that America is in its roots respectable and flexible, giving it and based on a brave decision.
Her professional life in politics revealed love for the ugly side of America, but she said that she also gave her a seat in the front row to draw inspiration from the hope and courage of people. She participated in her desire for neighbors to meet and focus on their similarities instead of their differences.
“Some have forgotten the mathematics of America – whenever you divide it decreasing,” Loew wrote.
The elected officials urged the leadership of sympathy and sincerely communicating with their voters.
Loew wrote: “In the end, I hope my life will be important and create a difference for the nation that I love, the family and friends I adore.” “I hope you see America that I know in the coming years, and you will hear my words in the whisper of the winds of freedom and feel my flame from the principles of permanent freedom. My living wish and enthusiasm for you and for this nation is that America that I knew is America that you fight to preserve.”
In 2016, in the face of his re -election and after the 2005 registration was issued in which Trump made obscene comments on the women's touch, Love crossed the Republican National Congress and issued a statement saying categorically that it will not vote for Trump. Instead, Senator Texas Ted Cruz supported the Republican Party race, but he went out after months.
While seeking a third term in 2018, Love tried to separate herself by Trump on trade and immigration while still supporting her party's sites in tax cuts. Although Republican voters exceed the number of Democrats with a margin of approximately three to one in her area, she lost less than 700 votes for the former Solt Lake's mayor, a democratic.
Trump called for love by name at a press conference the next morning for his loss, as he also hit other Republicans who did not fully embrace him.
“Mia Loew did not give me any love, and I lost,” Trump said. “Very bad. Sorry, Mia.”
After losing, love worked as a political commentator on CNN and Kzamil at the University of Sydney.
After Trump was elected in November, Loew said it was “in the result.”
“Yes, Trump says that many things are not surprising and defended. However, his policies have a high possibility to benefit from all Americans,” Loew wrote in a post on social media.