Starbucks’ new free refill perk triples customer traffic in stores: report

Starbucks’ new free refill perk triples customer traffic in stores: report


It took Starbucks a shot In the dark with their new policy, which is Bean a job.

The coffee giant has moved to rename their stores as classic cafes for societies “to sit and stay” – and they bear fruit, according to the common numbers with Axios.

At the end of January, Starbucks implemented the new re -filling policy where customers who ask in the store must say if they want their drink “for here” or “to go.”

At the end of January, Starbucks implemented the new re -filling policy where customers who ask in the store must say if they want their drink “for here” or “to go.” Zhang Peng/Lightrocto through Getty Images

Those who ask “for here” get their drink served in porcelain, glass or personal cup. These people can get free packages while visiting hot or iced coffee, hot or iced tea.

Starbucks revealed to Axios that over the past three weeks, “the number of customers who choose cups and ceramic glasses to sit and stay in cafes has increased on average by more than 3x in the United States.”

Customers should take their first drink in one of these reusable cups in order to receive free packages, and no plastic ships can be eliminated to get free packages – which encourages some sponsors to stay a moment.

The new CEO, Brian Nicole – who regained the holder in September – said at the company's annual shareholders ’meeting last week that he was” pleased with the early reaction to the changes we made from both customers and partners. “

Customers should take their first drink in one of these reusable cups in order to obtain free packages. Scott Olson/Getty Pictures

These changes hope for Starbucks to increase traffic and sales as part of the “Return to Starbucks” initiative, a plan to simplify offers and return to their roots.

“The company relies” on our coffee culture, “Trissi Lieberman, the chief international brand official at Starbucks, told Axios.

Lieberman added: “We are re -establishing Starbucks as a café for society and re -introducing Starbucks to the world,” Lieberman added.

Starbucks revealed to Axios that over the past three weeks, “the number of customers who choose cups and ceramic glasses to sit and stay in cafes has increased on average by more than 3x in the United States.” Beata Zawrzel/Nurphoto via Getty Images

The coffee giant aims to expand their arrival, and invest in ads on television and broadcasting that “raises the feeling that” I want to go to Starbucks “.

Starbucks has already started testing new designs in selected locations as well, which restores “more comfortable seats and spaces”, giving stores in old schools where customers can sit for relaxation hours or do remote work.

The new designs include “expanded sitting options, power outlets, and abundant food screens” in addition to some sites with “more separation between the cafe and the experience of the mobile phone arrangement”, the company revealed to Axios.

Starbucks hope to increase traffic and sales as part of the “Back to Starbucks” initiative. Beata Zawrzel/Nurphoto via Getty Images

Niccol has made some changes to the popular coffee chain since it came on the Chipotle.

When he began, he pointed out that one of his priorities to accelerate the growth in the company is to simplify the “complex excessive” list so that Paristas can speed up the service in order to reduce “nearly 30 %” of food and drink options from its list by late 2025.

The company recently shared that users in the Starbucks app and the website will not be able to make certain adjustments because these changes are listed in the already drinks in the list.

Several changes have been placed in other policy since NicCol took over, including limits on digital requests, the return of spices, and the opposite of the open door policy, and made Paristas write on cups with Sharpies and restore comfortable chairs to some of its stores.


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