USPS Postmaster General issues stark warning for future of agency as he resigns before being fired

USPS Postmaster General issues stark warning for future of agency as he resigns before being fired


The USPS post manager issued a stark warning to the agency's future a few weeks before his resignation.

Louis Digoy suddenly stepped down from the role after nearly five years on his head, as the institution drowned in the event of uncertainty.


The director of the Usps Post Office resigned Louis DigoyCredit: AP
US Post service logo on a blue mailbox.


Digoy warned of the challenges facing USPSCredit: AFP

A temporary caliph was named, but no timetable for its replacement has been set.

It is believed that Digoy resigned before his launch by Donald Trump, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Trump promised radical reform at the American Post service and Digoy warned against the future of the organization in a message to Congress earlier this month, for each Fox.

In a tremendous evaluation, he claimed that the organization had a “broken” business model.

“A broken organization's reform has witnessed nearly $ 100 billion in losses and is expected to lose another $ 200 billion, without a Bankruptcy Follow -up, it is an arduous task.

“Reforming a highly organized legislative organization and its organization excessively as huge, important, dear, which is misunderstood and discussed as US Postal service, with a broken business model, is more difficult. “

In a statement announcing his resignation, Digoy warned of the work facing USPS.

He said: “It was one of the pleasures of my life and the achievement of the culmination of my professional life that was associated with this dear institution.”

Doug Toleino is now the director of the temporary post office, but no permanent successor has been named.

The sudden resignation of Digoy came just weeks after those who allowed officials in the Ministry of Governmental efficiency to determine the areas where savings can be provided.

Usps Exec War

About 10,000 jobs can be reduced as a result.

Digoy had referred to the challenges related to the regulations he described as “stressful” and the cost of Congress delegations.

His resignation comes nearly four years after his 10 -year plan for USPS.

He warned at a time when the agency could run out of money.

Four changes required in USPS

The head of the American Postal Service issued an urgent warning about the necessary changes in the agency. The director of the post office, Louis Digoy, put four major challenges in a letter to Congress in March:

  • Retail rental contractsDejoy request to help review approximately 31,000 retail centers, challenges to renew the rental contracts due to the unification of ownership, urban development and high rental rates with the end of the long -term rental contracts.
  • Fake mail campaignDejoy distinguished USPS to combat an estimated billion dollars with fake mail and called for “additional innovative solutions” to address the problem.
  • Federal LawDiego stated that the undilisible Congress delegations imposed by the legislation cost USPs between 6 billion dollars and 11 billion dollars annually.
  • SystemsDigoy criticized the “exhausting regulatory requirements” that limit USPS to work normally, with an estimate that the Postal Organization Committee caused damage to more than $ 50 billion with defective pricing models.

source: Intuition

Dejoy also promised from six to seven days of delivery of the mail, and wanted a high level of service – with 95 % reliability on time.

He pledged to reduce non -professional workforce rotation by 50 %.

Dejoy also wanted to offer USPs the best in mail and stool.

But Digoy supporters are now afraid that the organization will be seized by the White House, all the time.

Elon Musk described the idea of ​​privatizing the organization.

Trump cannot privatize USPs alone, as it needs to work from Congress.

Even USPS grumbling has sparked anger among legislators.

“The American Post service has been created in the constitution,” said Senator Dick Dorbin in Illinois.

“Most people do not know that, but they know they can rely on postal service every day, six days a week.

“Now there are in Washington, Eileon Musk and others, who want to privatize the postal service.

“I oppose it. Let's keep it an independent agency above policy


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