Superior sex, fewer hangovers and five other perks that prove getting older isn’t all bad

Superior sex, fewer hangovers and five other perks that prove getting older isn’t all bad


Like soft wine or good cheese, not everything goes down with our age.

Yesterday, he told us how waste waste is worse when we are younger, according to a Dutch study. But this is not the only physical benefit of progressing years.


It facilitates waste with age, according to a Dutch study
Senior couple embraces bed.


What is happening in the bedroom can become better than ever with our age

Here, Laura Stout looks at the “best” views of the best and other privileges that have proven to be old. . .

Good morning

They say life begins in forty – and you can celebrate this fact without feeling it the next day.

A new study conducted by Dutch experts revealed that those who drink between 46 to 65 shows showed better tolerance of wine than those between the ages of 35 years or less.

Sippers reported less severe headache, nausea and fatigue, as the researchers concluded that aging could lead to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of waste.

Absent sensitivity

If you suffer from hay fever, aging will not be inhaled.

Symptoms such as sneezing, light eyes and irritation of the skin often begin to decrease with the passage of contracts.

A French study showed a decrease of up to 36 percent in symptoms between people 58 and above, as scientists believe that prolonged exposure to typical operators may increase our tolerance.

We also produce less antibodies, which is an essential cause of allergies, as we have age.

Increase the strength of the brain

Vocabulary skills and our abilities to solve problems are better in the 1940s and 1950s in our youth, according to an American study.

Also, more than the 1950s are less likely to delay decisions compared to people in their twenties.

Scientists suggest that this is due to improvements with our progress in the brain area known as semantic memory, which relate to our realistic knowledge of the world and our experiences.

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Better in bed

It may be surprising, but what happens in the bedroom can be better than ever with our age.

The National Council for Gracks wiped people over the age of 60 and found that 74 percent of men and 70 percent of women reported greater sexual satisfaction than in the 1940s.

While the levels of physical desire are usually their climax during the twenties of the last century for men and the thirties of women, contentment between leaves often improves with enhanced experience, increasing confidence and best communication skills that come with age.

Happy and you know that

The lowest levels of happiness, contentment and well -being were reported by people in the twenties and thirties of life, according to American experts.

The highest levels of satisfaction are found in those between the ages of 65.

Those in the 1960s have also proven the most optimistic age.

Several studies around the world show that most adults are gradually holding their lives with age, with a high joy and satisfaction of our fifties to the top and continued in our nineties.


The elderly tends to suffer a much fewer headache, as women in particular have relief from the pain caused by hormonal.

One of the glimpses of patients found that migraines became shorter, less painful and less frequent.

No race, my friend

Whether it is sunbathing in the sun or eating hot curry, wet spots on your shirt may become a thing of the past.

Reducing the skin with our age leads to collagen loss, which presses our glands.

This also reduces allergy to the central nervous system, which reduces its secretion signals, so we are less likely to upgrade.


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