BBC Studios has set Studios' Rose Hughes as Vice President for Global Coordination Sales.
Hughes will lead the sales strategy for unwritten and written formats in the BBC production and distribution suite, and they are informed of Jacob de Poer, Evp Global Entertainment.
The appointment is a return to the BBC for Hawz, who was the chief executive sales, a license to license Nordics and benelux in a previous race. The new post will start in February before the BBC Studios Show in London.
In Prosiebensat.1 Studios, she is the Vice President of Sales, working with proverbs Married at first sight Creative snowman and obtained the second international system of They were cut off on the island of honeymoon With seven network in Australia, along with a BBC committee in the United Kingdom. I also indicated Einstein.
For 15 years, she also worked in Keshet International, where she was the Vice President of Final Programs, Coordination and Common and Pre -match Products. There it led coordination and sales of tapes in the United Kingdom, the Scandinavian countries, the United States, Canada and digital platforms, and the proverbs Singular To Denmark and Norway simultaneously and negotiate re -negotiation from Swedish drama in SVT Stockholm And npo Yellow pepperThat has become word On the BBC.
“I am pleased to welcome Rose again in BBC Studios to lead our global sales, a pivotal role for leading the company's commercial revenue,” said De Boer. “It brings with it a wonderful, busy record and wealth of experience, she is the perfect person to take our unpopular and written formats globally to more fans around the world.”
The BBC's annual pioneering event will be held on February 24-25. The new formats will include Honesty box, From Mettlemouse Entertainment and Groupm Motion Entertainment, Blackshore From River Pictures, TERASURE ENTERTAINMENT, and the comedy written in Kevin & Co Productions Homebound 3.0.
“Famous brands worldwide, such as the 1 % Club, Dancing with the Stars, The Great Bake Off, Office and ghosts Hughes said that the amazing depth of the BBC Studios “. With the progress of prominent creators in the world, it offers a pipeline of exciting new formats such as dating coordination of radical reality, HonestyThe story of the fight against love Homebound 3.0And noir thriller BlackshoreIt is an inspiring time to return. I am keen to expand the beloved brands and bring innovative new formats even on wider fans. ”
Hughes' rental comes shortly after the final date statement, Robin Pollok joined Banijay Robin Bollok to the BBC Studios Global Content sales department in Los Angeles, Los Angeles.