Seat seat or disorganized traveler? You decide.
A tired passenger shared how they were accused of being “seat explorer” in an uncomfortable position.
Lightpoet –
Fox News explained that Reddit User @pinkney59 explained the confusion in the thread of the Airlines.
The person said that they were the first to be on the preparation list to be given a seat and were directed to return to the 29th grade to enjoy the trip.
However, when the passenger arrived there, a person has a ticket for this seat already.
Airline hosts went up to treat the situation and reset the Reddit sticker seat in the Comfort Plus.
But just a few minutes later, the father walked with his daughter and claimed that the person was in his appointed seat.
“I explained well that I got this seat by FA (flight host),” the person narrated, saying: “There may be a mix.”
But when another flight host came, “they scolded loudly”.
“Who told you that you can sit there?!? Your ticket does not say comfort+!!!” The second trip host said.
The disorganized passenger described the flight host that ordered them to sit in the Comfort Plus seat, but he was surprised by “publicly reprimanding him in front of the plane when I was only a follower,” they confessed.
The traveler insisted: “I was not trying to fraud in a comfortable seat – and this is literally as she told me to sit.”
Fortunately, another passenger intervened that witnessed the entire catastrophe to say: “I have seen this all happen and heard it asking you to sit here, so do not worry”, who gave the person “some satisfaction.”
“After a complete uproar, it was reaffirmed for the third time, and I felt frankly uncomfortable as some of the seat when I was following the directions !!!” Reddit user said.
People immersed comments with similar frustrating stories and complaints from not organizing airlines.
Many people answered that something “similar” happened to them.
Andrey Popov –
Although Redditor @Pinkney59 did not deliberately steal another person's seat, other passengers do so on purpose – trying to get more than just a free upgrade.
The seat seat has started in the past few months with many controversial violations to upgrade the plane seat.
A person who claims to be a flight attendant in the case of “people sat down, received his wine before the flight, then said:” I will only go to my sister in the back of the plane, “and the Reddit user wrote:
“Some people have no defect. They withdrawing one fast and maybe they have been published[ed] He also responded to social media, “Another user of Reddit answered.
Airways travel has become one of the most important topics on the Internet in recent years, as Reddit threads have been filled with complaints of “corridor lice” and videos of unbridled passengers.