Abuse in football: Kick It Out head says English game is at ‘crisis point’ over abuse

Abuse in football: Kick It Out head says English game is at ‘crisis point’ over abuse


KIO has received a record number of reports of discrimination in one season for 2023-24, with levels of sexual discrimination, hate and racism.

At all English football levels, there were 1332 accidents reported by the organization – an increase of 32 %. Racism remained the most notable forms of discrimination, with 47 % increased abuse at all levels.

“These are football players, but they are [also] “The real human beings, and when you see the abuse they face, this is completely unacceptable.”

“We have conducted a search with 1500 fans, and one out of four still feels insecure to go to the games. 52 % said they had sexual discrimination on the field. So there is still a great deal of cultural work to do it to make the game more comprehensive.

“People feel more freedom to share toxic and discriminatory abuse over the Internet, in particular.”

But the rules in the online safety law for the year 2023, are scheduled to enter into force later this year, forcing social media companies to show that they are removing illegal content, while granting platforms until the month of March, implementing measures or facing fines.

“We believe this will give the organizer more powers to be able to maintain social media companies to enjoy, in addition to providing better tools to enable the user,” said Okafor.

“This is really important, because you can see the effect it has. So this is a real opportunity to treat it. It can be a real change in games.”

TECH GIANT META recently announced that it abandons the use of independent facts on Facebook and Instagram, to the discontent of activists against the online hate speech.

“This really disturbs me.” “This makes the task more difficult.

“For this reason, we need regulatory authorities to use their powers to really contract social media companies, and to issue these sanctions.”


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