FCC Chairman Brendan Carr Targets Comcast As Part Of Broader Effort To Investigate Corporate DEI Policies

FCC Chairman Brendan Carr Targets Comcast As Part Of Broader Effort To Investigate Corporate DEI Policies


The Chairman of the Federal Communications Committee, Brendan Carr, launched an investigation into the efforts of diversity, shares and integration in Komca, claiming that the programs may violate the laws of equal job opportunities.

“We have received an investigation from the Federal Communications Committee and they will cooperate with the Federal Communications Committee to answer their questions. For decades, our company has been built on the basis of integrity and respect for all our employees and customers,” said a Kumkast spokesman.

NewsMax mentioned for the first time on the letter, noting that Carr wrote to CEO Brian Roberts that he wanted to “make sure that your companies do not promote dangerous forms of discrimination in violating the regulations of the Federal Communications Committee and Civil Rights Laws.”

Car also indicated that the investigation is part of a wider effort to target Dei programs in companies organized by the Federal Communications Committee (FCC), which expands the Trump administration's attack on diversity efforts to the private sector.

Car spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Carr as president was appointed by Donald Trump, who made her a priority from his administration to eliminate DEI programs throughout the federal government, or in the case of PBS, federal financing. But Trump's attacks had an impact on the private sector. Walt Disney has announced changes in its informational efforts earlier today, while other companies such as Target have restored such programs.

Comcast promotes its DEI programs on its website, which includes a picture of evil One of the characters, Nessarose, who uses a moving ozian chair.

We believe that a varied, fair and comprehensive company is a more innovative and successful company. Through the workforce, products and content of our content, we embrace the diversity of the background, perspective, culture and experience, and with our partners, we work to fight injustice against any race, race, gender, sexual identity, disability or place an old warrior who says Komca on its website.

Other parts of COMCAST have set diversity goals, including NBC News Group, which was announced under CEO Cesar Conde for efforts in 2020 to reach a 50 % employment base from the news Corporation employees to be women and 50 % of the total workforce who are colored people

Carr also opened inquiries in PBS and NPR sponsorship, and he appointed a general comment on a complaint about how CBS ' 60 minutes An interview with Kamala Harris was edited.


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