Trump, ignoring his voters on Ukraine, is risking his agenda

Trump, ignoring his voters on Ukraine, is risking his agenda


President Trump usually has a supernatural instinct to the place where voters stand in any specific issue – but his tilting towards Russia in its war against Ukraine is a state of falling feeling.

This means that he risks a dangerous politician in his attempt to achieve the war to a rapid conclusion: if the general voters supporting Ukraine and anti -Russia do not respect, he can divide his alliance and harm his position in a house.

Two modern polls confirm that Trump is right that his voters believe that the United States is sending a lot of aid to Ukraine.

Last week, an economic survey found that 52 % of Trump's voters want to reduce the amount of US military aid to the besieged nation, with only 8 % want to increase and 22 % of his desire to maintain current support levels.

The Pew Research Institute surveyed in early February these results with 47 % of Republicans, including independents who tend to Republicans, saying that the United States provides a lot of support to Ukraine.

If Trump reduces American aid to Ukraine, he will have on a fixed political basis.

But his recent movements – especially voting with Vladimir Putin on Monday against the United Nations Resolution Blame Russia for the wrong conquest of Ukraine – does not depend on this basis.

Beats from Trump's voters in Economists/Yougov are either Russia as an enemy (38 %) or non -friendly (37 %) – while the majority saw Ukraine either an American ally (13 %) or friendly (45 %).

Thus, Trump broke his supporters about this decisive question.

Trump voters are also sympathetic to Ukraine in its struggle with Russia.

Economic survey, which asked this question directly, found that 49 % of Trump's voters sympathize with Ukraine while only 6 % with Russia (37 % said they prefer not to be).

They also do not want Ukraine to abandon some of its lands for peace.

While 48 % of Trump's voters said they believed that Ukraine would have at least some of its territory, 55 % said they preferred Russia to control either of Ukraine at all.

The land for peace, the cornerstone of the supposed Trump deal, is not what its supporters want to see.

Trump may surprise that his voters also believe that Ukrainian President Folodimir Zelinski is more than Ukrainian President Voludmir Zelinsky more than Putin Russia.

Voters Trump hate Zelinski – 36 % with a positive view of it, compared to 45 % with an unfavorable vision.

But they hate Putin positively: 72 % of Trump's voters have an unfavorable vision of the Russian dictator.

All of this may shock the leftist critics who assume that the Republican Party voters are simply prostitution of everything Trump says.

His voters may ripen in the coming weeks, but the alternative narration may be more accurate: that Republicans and independents who tend to Trump do not follow Trump blindly, but they constitute their own opinions on the main issues.

This may spell the president if he does not respond to their views.

These ammunition polls give Republican preachers to a peace agreement that preserves real sovereign Ukraine.

It is one thing for Trump to gradually get rid of US military aid to Ukraine in favor of increasing European support – and completely another to sell the country besieged with the Russian -hated and widespread Russian.

It would be wise to take his case directly to Trump's voters, and communicate with them through interviews about the elevinated and popular news outlets to explain a reason that Ukraine deserves to be free.

Meanwhile, Trump must take into account two things into the upcoming peace talks.

First, he was elected to end inflation, restore economic growth and stop invasion on our borders.

Ending the war in Ukraine, especially on the very generous conditions of a deadly Ghazi army, is not something that its supporters give priority.

The fate of German Chancellor Angela Merkel should also remember.

She also thought that Putin and linking her country's economy would bring peace in our time.

Now her reputation lies in a war, and the loss is part of its deliberate normal forgiveness of Putin.

Trump despises Merkel, and the feeling is mutual.

It will be more ridiculous if it ends in the political background itself as a result of putting a lot of confidence in the tyrant in the Kremlin.

Henry Olsen, a political and suspended political analyst, is an older colleague at the Center for Ethics and Public Policy.


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