Teen ‘serial killer’ Antonio Reyes ‘murdered 6 strangers at random and tried to kill kids’ in ‘hard to comprehend’ spree

Teen ‘serial killer’ Antonio Reyes ‘murdered 6 strangers at random and tried to kill kids’ in ‘hard to comprehend’ spree


A young man was accused of killing six strangers randomly and trying to kill young children when he was only 17 years old.

Chicago is linking a growing list of victims with the alleged series, Antonio Reyes, 21, who say the shooting of civilians while carrying out their daily work.


Antonio Reyes was accused of killing six strangers in 2020 in 2020 in 2020Credit: CBS News
Antonio Reyes's head.


Reese was first arrested in December 2020 when he was associated with the death of Luis Davalus GarciaCredit
Antonio Reyes's photos, accused of multiple murder and attempted murders.


Since his arrest, investigators linked him to an increasing number of victimsCredit: CBS News

“None of these people met with Antonio Reyes before, and there is no reason for the examination with Antonio Reyes, any reason to target them,” Elin O'Neal Burke said at a conference on Wednesday.

“One of the victims was killed when he went to the fuel station to buy pop music […] Another victim was sitting in a car parked with a palm friend on Sunday afternoon […] Another victim's crime was taking his family to buy a new puppy one afternoon. “

Reyes has been a police detainee since December 2020, when he was accused of killing Luis Davalus Garcia. After his arrest, he tried to kill his colleague in the cell with Chef.

On Wednesday, public prosecutors made a large group of other charges against Reyes, and Burke spoke with the media on Thursday alongside the police to explain what they found.

While achieving, investigators were able to connect all killings with a 40 -calor pistol, including Garcia.

They also learned that Reyes was active on social media and said that many of the publications now bother him had some killings.

One of the most shocking discoveries was that all the deaths that were fired were completely random.

Now, the investigators issued an urgent appeal for more information about the alleged series murderer as it is searching for more victims.

“These were six lives that were brutally taken,” said Chicago Police Supervisor Larry Sinling.

“It is difficult to understand how anyone can take a person's life easily, especially many in one year […] Who knows how much he was responsible for? “

At the conference, GARIEN Gatewood, the Police Department, praised Reyes behind bars and obtained answers to families after years.

“I can't praise the Chicago police enough,” she said.

“Our entire administration and our entire city are grateful for the work they did to remove a sequential killer from the streets.”

“Mixed emotions”

The 21 -year -old Claudio Koso's mother, who was killed by Reyes, was shocked to hear the news.

She said, according to CBS News: “There is no day when I wake up and do not think about my son.”

“It is a lot of mixed feelings. I didn't really think that I would see this day, because it was. […] It has been a long time. “

Marilyn Rangel, whose 16 -year -old Damyan Duran was killed by Reyes, was also comfortable with charges.

“These young people do not deserve this,” she said.

Rangel claimed that the last time she saw her son when he entered a Reyes, so the two could accommodate.

That night, when Damian did not return home, Rangel tracked the alleged alleged killer on Snapchat and asked him where they were.

Rangel said: “I told him, where is my son? I attracted my son to a site, and now you don't know where there is my son?”

When Reyes finally responded, the sad mother was wearing his sick note.

He said: For this reason, your son is rotting in hell. ”This is exactly what he told me in Snapchat.”


Reyes claimed that Francisco Mangana, 31, on March 2, 2020, is alleged on West 59 Street.

Koso was killed on April 5 on South Sacramento Street, and the man who was with him on that day was shot.

On May 1, Duran was killed at the hands of the sick series, as investigators believe.

On June 24, Garcia was killed on South Rokwell Street.

Jose Martinez, 31, was killed on November 8, which was alleged that Reyes also tried to kill his three children, between the ages of 3 and 9 at that time.

On November 9, Justin Gonzalez, 20, was killed on West 59 Street.

Reyes is held without sponsorship.


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