Christina Hendricks & Drama Premieres

Christina Hendricks & Drama Premieres


Fans of drama and executives in the industry who descend to the northern city of Lille for the obsession series this year can expect stars, politics and the first show. Christina Hendricks will walk on the purple carpet, while the backbone of offers in international competition politically distort this time.

With dozens of new shows for series, talent coming to the city, and a large industry component, this event will pave the way for the next year on the written TV.

“When I created the Mania series, I used to say that the series could reflect our world and our series is the place you place in the light,” says the founder and general manager of Lawrence Herzburg for the deadline, just weeks before the start of the festival.

It surveys the collection of international competition, and it deals with political issues in several chain. If the direction of the drama 2025, the Mania Chief series is good with it.

“I studied and I am really interested in politics, and the chain of obsession is a place for artists,” she says. They must express their voice. We will get an Israeli show, an Iranian show … and I will always take the artist's side. By allowing them to speak, whether it is difficult or not, we can address the issues of our world in a different way, instead of only the politicians who speak. “

Herzburg highlights competition titles such as: KabulProduction participated in all of Europe from the New8 of Euro publicsters; Mussolini: Ibn QarnJoe Wright's air conditioning of the best -selling novel Antonio Scoraati about the rise of fascism in the twenties of the last century, Italy; RTS drama and arte The dealIt was placed in Geneva and the complex world of high -level diplomacy; and GermanAs for Israel TV, yes and about a man who was recruited by Musad to find criminals of the Nazi war.


Dominic Metropolo

Outside Long bright riverThrowing the peacocks that Max for France. At the same time, the Canadian sign is eager sympathy, The arrival of Kepekois's imagination to the international competition.

Intensive family drama QuerFrom Spain, and the Danish series Generations He also plays in competition and will have the first international offer in the night.

Hull and Harper He wanders in the international competition and adds some credit in the United States to the procedures, with the writing of Cooper Reef, directing, as well as production alongside the producing partner, Clemensin Clearner, through the slogan of small ideas.

Herszberg senses a shift towards the Indian islands. “I think we will see more and more American writers and producers try to make an offer outside the big [studio] The scene, we see its direction. “

Initial and international offers

The Iranian series is mentioned At the end of the night From Ida Panahandeh and Amiri Arsalan, which is “anatomy of the skill of separating the spouses.” It is one of nine offers in the official Panorama official selection that also includes projects from South Korea (Family matters) And Brazil (Raul Sixas: Let me sing).

The pluscinemaz.comof the festival is asking whether the Mania series focuses on the Highbrow of the Drama Special. “What you say is true and not true.” “We have these high -end offers, and we also have very popular offers, everyone is included.”

He speaks to the end of the scene of comfortable drama, the first global show for the fifth season of Hpi Is a chain of obsession closer. The Hit TF1 series has been reformulated High capabilities For ABC in the United States, it is at the forefront of the comfortable crime shows that sweep International TV. At the same time, the French period drama of Apple TV+ Carême The festival is scheduled to open this year.

It is not a comfortable crime, but definitely a family girlfriend, the French version of the BBC and then the CBS comedy ghosts The first global show will be. The local title is Ghosts: Fantômbes en héritage.

Ghosts: Fantôries en héritage “

Thomas Braut, Disney, TF1, BBC Studios

Ready to launch

It is a post -peak television world, and fights drama projects to find funding. With difficult to reach, offers require more partners and a degree of creativity not only at the level of craftsmanship, but in terms of business model.

This industry wallpaper is plus and guarantee for the mania series. The challenge is that the budgets that were followed by attending and launching projects in festivals are closely examined. Plus is now more important festivals and events than ever to highlight a new chain in the disturbance market.

Horszberg reports that the same number of series was presented last year, north of 400 directly. “When there is this level of [industry] “Competition, and when you will produce less, you have to invest more in marketing and tinnitus,” she says. “The duct begins at a festival. For this reason, we created the best marketing initiative [award]. The best marketing is to be at a festival. “

Lawrence Herzburg in the mania series

The series is mania, y.

Horszberg knows the world of the Film Festival well. She previously played the Paris DEM Des -based photos. Series Mania brought some Dynamics – and Pizzazz – which was seen about the first show in film festivals to the world of television. This is a trick that a few other TV events have withdrawn.

Hendrix in the city with Small town

mad men And the chain of obsession has a history. The second famous season of the famous drama was shown in the first series of the mania series in 2010, and Matthew Winner delivered a master's degree in the exhibition in 2015. Christina Hendricks and John Slaterri attended the 2011 DS Festival. A small town, a big story. The Sky drama, created by Chris Odod, will have international offer.

Herszberg says she wants to have a unique festival journey to the festival and build a connection with the festival. Many of the former attendees continued in the big names of the MANIA series, which is completely unprecedented, before a TV event.

Heaven, Bernard Walsh

“We want these great artists to have a different experience from those they enjoy in other festivals. Look at Marcia Cross. It came to the Mania series and was so happy that it was a year after accepting the offer for the blow in the Mania Trailer series, which we rely on, which we rely on Houses desperate. The same thing with Brian Cox [who was in the festival trailer as Logan Roy a year earlier]. We want them to have something new and intimate. “

Being in France, Series Mania is often running a French team, and the festival has a French competition in which six series will be a global show. But it firmly internationally happened. “We have to welcome people from all over the world and say that the series culturally is a way to embrace the world, live better together, and make people understand more.”


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