Gene Hackman Died From Alzheimer’s & Heart Disease; Wife Died Days Before

Gene Hackman Died From Alzheimer’s & Heart Disease; Wife Died Days Before


The medical examiner in New Mexico announced today that the autopsy on February 27 from Jin Hakman reveals the 95 -year -old Oscar winner died due to a mixture of “advanced Alzheimer's disease” and severe heart disease.

“It is reasonable to conclude that Mr. Hakman died on February 18,” Dr. Heather Jarrel said at a press conference with Santa in Sharif Adan Mendoza and other boycotting officials. “He was in very bad health,” Dr. Jarrel also indicated Hakman, adding that there was evidence that he had not eaten for several days. It is assumed that Mrs. Arakawa died on February 11 or about 11 February.

“The cause of death for Mr. Jane Hackman, 95, is cardiovascular disease with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, with Alzheimer's disease as an important contributing factor,” Dr. Jarily explained in more detail. “The anatomy of the corpse and post -death examination after death did not appear any severe results of the inner or external shock, and have shown severe heart diseases, including multiple surgical procedures that include the heart, evidence of previous heart attacks and severe kidney changes due to chronic high blood pressure.”

Hakman's heart issues were known and the actor talked about on many occasions before retirement from public life in the early first decade of the twentieth century.

New Mexico's health officials confirmed that the Hagman Pitci Arakawa's wife has died of Huntfross pulmonary syndrome. Hantavirus virus is mainly spread by rodent stools, and does not spread from one person to another, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Arkaoa said abroad and about a few hours before her death.

Quoting security camera footage and more than that, Sharif Mendoza explained on Friday that after he went to the Santa Pharmacy in two days, Arakawa went on February 11 to shop in the local Sprotz farmers market at around 3:30 pm Small time and entered the sub -section near the couple's house around 5:30 pm. “Several emails have been opened on their computer on February 11,” Sharif said. “There was no additional contact from the activity issued by its known activity after February 11, 2025.”

The police said at the time that the couple and one of their dogs were discovered dead and two days in separate rooms from his residence in Santa at 1:45 pm on February 26. Hakman and Arakawa, 63, discovered on the ground of their home in their community in different rooms.

The couple has been married since 1991 and lived in particular in New Mexico for decades

A police sin from late February 26 stated that in addition to the bodies in Hakman's house, there was “another healthy dog ​​near the deceased female, a deceased dog that puts 10-15 feet from the deceased female in a cabinet of the bathroom, and the fireplace is moved, and a bottle of birth control pills that are opened in the gas.

It turns out that the birth control pills on the scene are Diltiazem, Tylenol and thyroid drug.

Sherif Mendoza told the collected media that the investigation of the death of Hakimans is still going on, which indicates that the police were about to end, and indicated that there are some “loose ends that we need to link.”

Outside the public's eye for the past twenty years, Hakman won the Academy Awards French contact (1971) and Send Eastwood unfamiliar (1992), and he was nominated for the Academy Award for his performances in Bonnie and Claide (1967), I never sang for my father (1970), and Mississippi burning (1988).

In addition, Hackman was known for his performance as Arch-Villian Lex Luth in Superman (1978) and complement Superman II Along with the basic sports film Hoosiers (1986), Hackman also starred Francis Ford Coppola Conversation (1974, sequel any other name The enemy of the state (1998) With Will Smith.

Likewise, a curtain turns Royal Tenbauums (2001) With the Washington Denzel in Tidal (1995), Hagman starred in Poseidon adventure (1972), Scarecrow (1972),), Very far bridge (1977), Under the fire (1983), power (1986), Loose defender (1990), The company (1993), Quick and dead (1995), Bird cage (1996), Behind enemy lines (2001), And the fleeing jury (2003). His last appearance was on the screen in 2004 Welcome to Mooseport.



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