Meghann Fahy Gets Stalked By A Memelord

Meghann Fahy Gets Stalked By A Memelord


Technology and shocks met again with the latest BlumHouse Reiller Landon He fallsA fun and satisfactory journey during the first date of hell.

After years of the death of her husband, Mother Violet (Megan Fahi) became ready to return her there, as the first date accepted with Henry, the magician (Brandon Sklnar) three months after the online flirting. But their romantic evening takes a nightmare when the violet begins to receive unknown drops on its phone with the memes and tiny instructions, while her son keeps a hostage at home.

With Hitchcock-IAN, Landon's amazing trend, screenwriter Jillian Jacobs and Chris Roche offers a fun update to the urban legend that was born in 1979 When a stranger calls (And its enjoyment for 2006) where the drops come from inside the house.

It is recognized that the great disclosure was mildly predicted after a group of early red herring, but this is completely forgiven thanks to the uncommon smart transformations and transformation that awaits violet Fahi, and she is her protective mother, although she suffers from the shame that was good in thinking about her feet, especially when her child is in the grandfather.

Fahi performed a captivating performance as an anxious woman who is struggling to preserve her together in her first history in years. By playing a therapist who helps women who are exposed to the other people find their value while struggling to find it, Fahi certainly gives a dynamic performance that deserves to make her a “final girl” to see.

At the same time, the chemistry between Fahi and Skinar grows only with tension, even when violet suspicion in its history, it annoys it.

It would also be that Jeffrey Silf will not praise the amazing performance as an ambitious lunar lighting representative as a waiter that lacks any social signs. It is briefly reminded of a drawing in which the Alison Jani hat plays, and I need to hear more.

The high -protein restaurant group is an ideal stadium for Landon, using each inch of space to explain the fear of fear of history through a Violet perspective. Micro -angles and lighting are also used to raise tension beautifully.

The fun numbering of Landones of fun and horror, He falls He speaks to a modern obsession with a human contact while submitting a fake version of ourselves online and struggling to reconcile with our unique luggage. It is also just an enjoyable movie that puts every 100 minutes from the time of operation.

address: He falls
festival: SXsw (head addresses)
distributor: Global photos
release date: April 11
exit: Christopher Landon
screenwriter: Gillian Jacobs, Chris Roche
Empty: Megan Fahi, Brandon Sklinar, Violet between, Jacob Robinson, Ed Wix
Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes


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