What your post-Christmas farts can reveal about your health – what’s normal and when to worry

What your post-Christmas farts can reveal about your health – what’s normal and when to worry


After a few days of binging, your gut will likely feel the effects of a Christmas feast.

But the state of trumps is never perfect – especially when you are in a situation where you just need your courage to play the ball.


Farts smell really bad? You might want to check it outCredit: shutterstock

Have you ever worried that you fart too much, or that they smell abnormally bad?

The foods you eat and your digestion play a big role in how gassy you feel, as well as the type of gas gas You emit.

After all, sometimes it's the odorless wind that blows you out and other times you may need a gas mask because the smell is unbearable.

Occasional flatulence is completely normal.

But if your post-Christmas gut is leaving you queasy, here's what your gas can tell you about your health…

1. Smelly farts

It never happened Nice – good When you fart, it repulses you with its scent.

“Strong, foul-smelling gas is usually the result of sulfur-containing compounds produced during digestion,” says Dr Philip Mayhead, a consultant gastroenterologist at Benenden Hospital, Kent.

“Foods high in sulfur, such as broccoli, cabbage, and eggs, can contribute to this type of flatulence.”

Sass “Some individuals may be more sensitive to sulfur compounds, which makes the odor more noticeable,” adds Barsad, nutritional supplement expert and founder of The Gut Co.

Sometimes, an underlying problem, including a food intolerance (gluten or lactose) and a condition called small bacterial overgrowth, also known as SIBO, can be the cause of foul-smelling gas.

It can cause digestive symptoms including flatulence, as well as stomach pain, bloating and cramps.

Intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is dangerous because it can cause malnutrition, while gluten intolerance must be managed with a careful diet.

Trapped wind? These six yoga stretches last 20 seconds to help get things moving

In general, low bacterial diversity in the gut, due to not eating a varied diet, can affect gas.

“The volume and composition of gas depends greatly on a person’s diet and colonic flora,” says Dr. Mayheid.

Prebiotics and probiotics can help boost gut bacteria, and include sauerkraut and other pickles, yogurt, sourdough, and a diet containing plenty of fruits and vegetables.

This in turn can improve the smell of fart.

Dr. Mayhead warns that regular, foul-smelling flatulence — when combined with some other symptoms — may warrant a visit to the doctor.

He says: “The following are causes for concern: bloody stools, unexplained weight loss, severe abdominal pain or a feeling of a lump in the abdomen.”

2. Odorless gas

Odorless gas is usually nothing to worry about, although it may be a sign that you are eating too quickly.

“The odorless gas is usually composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases,” says Dr. Mayhead.

“It is the most common type of flatulence and is often associated with swallowing air while eating or drinking.”

In fact, the odorless gas released in small amounts is just a byproduct of the digestion process, according to Dr. Mayhead.

“When you eat, you swallow air, and gut bacteria produce gases as they break down food.”

Reduce your chances of gas by eating slowly and chewing your food several times.

Are you still eating your meals? Place the knife and fork between the two bites; This will force you to slow down.

3. Gas that feels like it needs to “go”

If you experience frequent and excessive flatulence, it may be due to various factors, including swallowing air or eating certain gas-producing foods.

But it may indicate digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or lactose intolerance.

These conditions “can be associated with frequent opening of the bowel or an urgent need to go to the toilet,” also known as diarrhoea, Dr. Mayhead said.

“Excessive or persistent gas and other symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, or abdominal pain may indicate digestive problems such as food intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other gastrointestinal conditions,” says Sass.

“If you regularly experience such symptoms, it is best for you to consult a health care professional.”


4. Hot gases

The burning sensation when you fart can be uncomfortable.

“This type of flatulence is caused by eating foods high in capsaicin found in hot peppers, such as hot or spicy curries,” says Dr. Mayhead.

Minimize the effect by reducing the flavor of your meals.

5. Excessive gas

All of the conditions listed so far — irritable bowel syndrome, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, intolerance, as well as inflammatory bowel disease — may cause a person to fart more than average.

Some people need to go more often than others as a result of their diet or bowel makeup.

“Some people may experience more noticeable gas and odor due to their gut microbiome,” says Sass.

“Gradually increasing your intake of high-fiber foods can help your gut adapt over time, as can taking probiotics to support your gut microbiome.”

According to the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), people fart on average 15 times a day – but it's normal for up to 40 times a day.

6. Food slip

If you don't have any other stomach problems, such as bloating, pain, constipation or diarrhea, consider the food you're eating instead.

Eggs, fiber-filled vegetables like Brussels sprouts and steak, legumes like lentils and chickpeas, and dairy products can be a little harder on the intestines or contain sulfur compounds that smell unpleasant when broken down.

“For individuals who are sensitive to sulfur-containing compounds or certain proteins in eggs, consumption can lead to increased gas production and the characteristic rotten egg odor,” Sass explains.

Sass says that cooking vegetables well can help break down the fiber in them.

They can help digest red meat, too.

Fart – 5 tips to fart quickly

out? But dealing with trapped winds? Try these tricks to get rid of bloating and wind quickly so you can get on with your day comfortably.

  1. Open the kettle

Drink peppermint tea, which can help relax digestive muscles and relieve gas.

2. Gentle exercise

A short walk can help move trapped gas through your digestive system. Get outside for 10 minutes and get moving!

3. Try over-the-counter medications

SAS recommends treatments like simethicone, which can help break up gas bubbles and provide relief.

4. Deep breaths

Deep, slow breathing can help relax your abdominal muscles and release trapped gas. Try breathing in for five seconds, then holding it for two seconds and then letting it out for five seconds. Keep repeating this exercise.

5. Choose the temperature

“Putting a warm compress on your abdomen (such as a hot water bottle) can help soothe the discomfort and encourage gas to move,” says Sass.


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