Ceiling collapses on concertgoers during Bad Omens concert in Melbourne

Ceiling collapses on concertgoers during Bad Omens concert in Melbourne


A concert in Melbourne on Wednesday night left several fans injured after part of the roof collapsed.

The horrific incident happened when Bad Omens were performing the final track of their set.

Confetti cannons shot into the air and appeared to dislodge portions of the ceiling in the festival hall, apparently causing several tiles to fall onto the unsuspecting crowd.

On Facebook, a fan claimed that his friend was injured by falling debris.

“My friend had it, damaged the soft tissue in her hand and probably broke/broken her fingers. She's (really) angry.

A roof collapsed on concertgoers at a show Wednesday night. @v4mpguurl/Tik Tok

Another fan commented that their sister had been injured, saying: “Luckily nothing is broken but it's so sore she needs to take time off work.”

One party-goer claimed the horrific experience for two women left them “bleeding” over the incident.

One of the partygoers said: “It was really bad… Two girls were dragged in front of me, one was bleeding from her mouth and neck, and the other from her knee… A group of people in the area were pushing to get out.” .

The meltdown happened while Bad Omen were performing their final song.
The meltdown happened while Bad Omen were performing their final song. @v4mpguurl/Tik Tok

Another fan injured in the incident told Wall of Sound Australia that she was “covered in blood” from one of the partygoers next to her.

“I was recording on Snapchat when it happened and my video cut out as I was being hit and my phone fell a meter away from me as I fell to the ground, I was covered in blood from the girl next to me and she was completely out of control. It seemed as if she was looking at Scraps and it is [the debris] “It bounced off my hand and hit her straight in the face,” the Snapchat user said.

The Snapchat user added: “He gave me[المستشفى]“Medical certificate to cover a few days off and see how he was recovering, the people at the scene didn’t seem to care much but the paramedics on scene were amazing.”[The}hospitalgavemeamedicalcertificatetocoverafewdaysoffandseehowithealsupvenuepeopleseemedtocareverylittlebuttheparamedicsonscenewereamazing”theSnapchatuseradded[The}hospitalgavemeamedicalcertificatetocoverafewdaysoffandseehowithealsupvenuepeopleseemedtocareverylittlebuttheparamedicsonscenewereamazing”theSnapchatuseradded

The Bad Omens appeared to be completely unaware of the incident, as they proceeded to perform the rest of the song before exiting the stage and returning shortly after for the encore.

The Festival Hall has been contacted for comment and would not confirm whether the second sold-out show on Thursday night was scheduled to go ahead as planned.


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