President Trump did not run on the ground as much as he ran a fast race at the level of the Olympic Games and overcame all obstacles.
He barely reached the Oval Office until he began to sign dozens of executive orders to fulfill the promises he made to the American people to respond to the forces that destroy the country.
It was an amazing example of how leadership changes the mood and a set of assumptions.
Black clouds from forced compliance began rolling.
People who were strangled by years of defamation because of their desire to live in America, which they knew suddenly dared to believe that they were able to breathe again.
In the first place of importance, Trump's arrival in his position was a reason for the abolition of years of talking about America with lightness, and instead pumped an optimism full of vitality that America will not become great, but will become complete again.
You don't have to agree to everything he does to admit that Trump has changed political dynamism. Thousands of trivial liberal emperors have been suddenly unveiled who are not wearing clothes at all.
The rest of the world looked at amazement and a good amount of envy.
In Britain, my hometown, the government of the Labor Party that destroys the country, by refusing to adhere to the nation’s culture and historical values, can only look through a deficit through the blessing to the form that the true national leadership appears to be.
This presidential energy may ignite a more vital revolution. DEI, border securing, and expulsion of extremists from universities and the country are important reforms that talk about the most urgent concerns of voters.
However, these are all harmful results of the way to view the world.
Even if Trump's reforms mean that America rejoices again with the presence of only two sexes, and the eggs are no longer exposed to vilification due to their skin color, and the return of universities to free playing ideas, the forces that caused the disintegration of the social fabric will continue to exist. It is able to repeat the exercise.
This is because they were part of the seismic and destroyed transformation in Western society, which occurred over several decades and acquired the minds of many cultural leaders.
As I write in my new book, “The Stone of Building: How Jews and Christians built the West – and why are they alone who are able to save him?”
They claimed that the West was born in the original sins of colonialism and racism, so they hit its foundations in the married traditional family and the education system that transports culture to the next generation.
Since that culture was considered racist, it had to be replaced by a group of cultures that basic Western values have no authority.
It was necessary to replace the Western nation, which was seen as a source of bias and war, with laws and institutions of national borders, such as international human rights and United Nations law, which defends the brotherhood of humanity.
This ideal vision was supposed to preach a new brave world of peace and justice. Instead, it has produced catastrophic social divisions between power warring groups. The individual aspirations of the victim's culture based on injustice and resentment have drained, and made the West an increasingly tempting goal for its enemies because its elite insisted – as in the famous John Lennon lyrical poem – that there is nothing to fight or die for.
The root cause of all this was the gradual corrosion of the written values that gave the West its basic principles of righteousness and error, personal responsibility and duty towards others.
This corrosion provided a golden opportunity for the Islamists, who realized that the resulting spiritual, moral and political void made the West owned by them.
The increasingly dominant Islamists and the radical left, who are walking with a steady pace in an effort to achieve the common goal of destroying the West, clearly evident in the terrible response to the massacre that occurred on October 7, 2023 in Israel by the Palestinian Arabs led by Hamas from Israel. Gaza and the war that followed.
Instead of supporting Israel's desperate defense against an enemy that intends to eliminate, many in the West viewed the inhabitants of Gaza as victims of Israel, which they distorted as disgusting as an aggressive nation that kills children.
In the streets of the western cities, thousands of Muslim and left -wing demonstrators chanted over and over to destroy Israel, kill the Jews, and jihad against the West. Tsunami was unleashed from anti -Semitism throughout Britain, America, Canada and Australia.
It was not surprising that Israel and the Jewish people would be at the heart of this storm. Just as Israel defends the West against the Islamic forces that are determined to destroy it, the Western progressive who attack Israel and the Jews attack themselves their society and its fundamental Jewish principles.
Judaism, through Christianity, was the source of conscience, justice and reason that created the greatness of Western civilization.
After the seventh of October, what we witnessed is the disappearance of conscience, justice and reason. The interpretation of this lies in the deterioration of Western culture.
Many – especially in Britain and Europe, who endured all this – feel despair of losing the battle for civilization already. But it has not been fought correctly yet.
In my book, I suggest mobilizing a resistance movement, and an alliance for civilization consists of people from every ethnic, cultural and religious group who want the West to continue and will fight to support its historical principles represented in fact, freedom and justice.
They must rely on the unprecedented Jewish registry to survive to learn how to include the principles of the Bible in daily life to provide spiritually people with a sense of the meaning and goal of their lives. They need to enhance the culture of family and nation -based correlation and the transfer of traditions and cultural memory.
Trump's harsh victory for American interests already pushes the rest of the world to reset its actions.
He now needs to be supported by this civilized alliance to fight the liberal liberal ideologies that led to the erosion of the foundations of the West.
The reason behind the election of Trump despite the historical difficulties is that millions rose up in a revolution against the liberal establishment that was distorting and weakening America, erasing its historical identity and turning it into a battlefield between groups that fight fiercely on power.
Instead, they wanted to belong to a nation formed by a specific heritage that share its values in a place they consider their homeland. Millions of others in Britain and Europe, who were very disappointed in their political institution, are eager to the exact thing.
For this reason, Trump's second state is very important. If it rises to the level of challenge, America will lead the battle to save civilization and strengthen similar popular revolutions in other countries. And if it fails, the West may take the same path that ancient Rome took, that deteriorating society that has been illuminated from the inside and has become exposed to enemies from the outside.
In the first place of importance, the West must choose: either surrender or survival.
The battle for civilization continues, and there is everything that can be played for.
Melanie Philips “Building Stone: How the Jews and Christians built the West – and why are they alone who can save him?”” It was published by Wicked Son and is available on Amazon.