Amazon Prime Video decided to cancel “My Lady Jane” after only one season. The show, whose season of eight episodes on June 27 was a historical fictional drama based on the novel Sinatia Hand, Brody Ashton, existential Midoz.
Among the actors were Emily Badr, Edward Blumel, Jordan Peters, Anna, Chancellor, Dominic Cooper, Kate Ovlin, Rob Prideon, Abe Herne, Isabella Bronson, Robin Beston, Henry Ashton, Magiad Tires, Michael Warley, Joe Close, Brandon Grace, It will be careful.
In an alternative world, “My Lady Jane” re -imagined the story of Mrs. Jin Gray, the noble young woman who briefly became the Queen of England before her tragic execution in 1553. But instead of adhering to the historical narration, the offer of the show is new, Touet, Mrs. Jin is depicted as girls who save herself. Mix the elements of movement, imagination, comedy and romance.
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Despite receiving praise from critics – obtaining 91 % approval for spoiled tomatoes – the show was unable to capture a wide audience.
“Madam Jin” fans took Amazon Prime and the official social media accounts of the exhibition to express their frustration and disappointment from cancellation. Many express their anger, and they inherit its end in the show.
The series was created by Gemma Burges, who also worked as an executive producer and participant alongside Meridith Glenn. Jimmy Babit directed five of the eight episodes and was among the executives, along with Sarah Bradche and Lori McDonald.
Unfortunately, despite her critical radiation, “Madam Jin” will not return to the second season. The cancellation news was reported for the first time on the deadline.
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