Democrats in the House of Representatives are calling for answers about the move of the Ministry of Justice this week to shoot more than dozens of officials participating in the investigation of former private lawyer Jacques Smith, on the pretext that the procedure is a “complete contradiction” of President Trump's effort to maintain a “merit -based system” for government employees.
Gerald Conoli, a member of the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives Jimmy Raskin, DMD, and a member of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee Gerald Conoli, was formulated a letter to the Acting Prosecutor James McGhamre on Tuesday, which Fox News obtained.
The Ministry of Justice launches more than ten major officials of the former private lawyer team Jack Smith
They wrote: “We write to you with deep anxiety and anxiety over the administration reports that participate in the large -scale shooting and the inappropriate restoration of job prosecutors and federal agents throughout the Ministry of Justice.” “This attack began against effective civil service employees in the Ministry of Justice within hours of President Donald Trump's inauguration, in complete contradiction with the president's repeated pledges to maintain a system -based system for government action.”
Raskin and Konoli added that the officials worked “in starkly to defend the rule of the law had been removed from their positions without any evaluation – less than any negative evaluation – of their work.”
On Monday, Mchenry launched more than ten major officials of the Smith team who worked to prosecute the president, saying that it cannot be trusted in “implementing the president's agenda honestly.”
Fox News Digital first reported the news exclusively on Monday.
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Raskin and Konoli argued that the officials, who ended on Monday, were “part of the expert and non -political workforce in charge of protecting national security and public safety.”
“They have been appointed and promoted based on the merit and distinction For President Trump.
Democrats argued that McheNry took them out of their positions “without looking at their competencies, their recognized achievements, or their loyal service to the administration, in some cases they return it to areas outside their legal experience.”
“By removing them from their positions in this hasty and in principle, it is very likely that the long federal laws will violate,” they also wrote, accusing “the” law students who applied for them, and received offers from the department based on their academic achievements shown and their commitment to service General. “
The Ministry of Justice launches the report of former private lawyer Jacques Smith on the investigation of the Trump election intervention case
Democrats claimed that the “offers” that were canceled “were canceled for summer trainees and lawyers in beginners who rented through the honor program for the public lawyer, a 72 -year -old recruitment program that receives requests from students in hundreds of law colleges throughout the country.”
“We have also received disturbing reports on browsing that White House staff play a major role in these recruitment decisions and the LinkedIn study of professional civil employees and other social media features to ensure their personal political tendencies,” Raskin and Konoli wrote. “Your combined actions are greatly concerned that you are determined to fill the ranks of the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Investigation Office with professional employees who have been chosen for personal loyalty or political services they provided to President Trump.”
RASKIN and Connolly demand their Doj with a list of the names of officials who have been re -set up or terminated; Providing any contacts between the Ministry of Justice and the White House since the opening day regarding the content of personal social media accounts for the employees of the Ministry of Justice or applicants.
Raskin and Konoli student with information by February 11 at 5:00 pm
Their message comes after Mchenry on Monday conveyed a letter to every official notifying them, and the Fox News Digital official told. The number of officials who received this message is not clear. The names of individuals were not launched immediately.
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“The Acting Prosecutor James McChaneri has finished employing a number of Ministry of Justice officials who played an important role in sustaining President Trump,” said Acting Prosecutor James McGathrey. “In light of their actions, the Acting Prosecutor does not trust these officials to help implement the president's agenda honestly.”
This procedure “consistent with the task of ending the government's weapon,” the official told Fox News Digital.
The Ministry of Justice did not immediately respond to the Fox News Digital request for comment.