Sony Group Corporation said on Thursday that it has strengthened the President CO and CFO HIROKI TOOKI to the CEO after he was unanimously approved at the Sony Board meeting.
Kenchiro Yoshida, who was the Chairman and CEO, is still president. Each of the new roles applies April 1.
Yoshida has been a president and executive director since April 2018, while Totoki was appointed president and director of operations in April 2023. Yoshida said in a press statement to Sony that he suggested Totoki to the board of directors as his successor, and the talks were continuing “for some time.”
Totoki said: “I am incredibly honored and humbled because I entrusted the important role for the president and CEO,” Totoki said. “At the same time, I look forward to working as an executive head with approximately 110,000 employees for further development and Sony development.”
Sony said, April 1 will also be the date of implementing other changes on the management structure. كجزء من هذه التحركات ، التي توضح الأدوار في كل شركة ، ستصبح Hideaki Nishino رئيسًا ومديرًا تنفيذيًا وحيدًا لشركة Sony Interactive Entertainment ، وسيصبح Hermen Hulst الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Studio Business Group و Sony Interactive Entertainment ، المسؤول عن أعمال استوديو اللعبة.
Other new positions in Sony Corp Yasuhiro ITO include the newly created role for senior officials responsible for human resources; Public Affairs; Corporate Executive Office; And lead the diversity of the group, shares and inclusiveness. Lin Tao, Financial Director, was named.
The already completed restructuring today includes adding Ravi Ajuja as an officer responsible for Sony photo work. He became the President and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, at the beginning of the year after he stepped down the chairman of Spe and CEO Tony Fenkoyekira.
Other Execs Sony Corp includes in the field of media and entertainment in its roles, Rob Strinner, Chairman of the Board, Sony Music Group and CEO of Sony Music Entertainment; Kimio Maki, President and CEO of Sony Corporation responsible for entertainment, technology and services; And SVP Corporate Communications Robert Lawson.