Good hygiene habit that could reduce stroke risk revealed

Good hygiene habit that could reduce stroke risk revealed


Consider your hygiene!

About 795,000 Americans will hit this year – new research indicates that a common and healthy habit may reduce the risk of certain types of stroke.

About 795,000 Americans will have a stroke this year. Gety pictures

The author of the study, Dr. Suevik Sen, said: “A recent global health report revealed that oral diseases – such as unspeakable tooth decay and gum disease – affected 3.5 billion people in 2022, making it the most common health conditions.”

“We were aimed at identifying oral hygiene behavior – dental thread, brushing or regular dentist visits – has the greatest effect on stroke prevention,” added Sen, head of the nerve department at the University of South Carolina.

The SEN team tied the thread at least once a week to 22 % lower risk of stroke, 44 % heart attack risk and 12 % AFIB risk.

Explanation of strokes

The stroke occurs when blood flow is blocked into the brain or when the blood bowl explodes and the blood leakage in the brain. Gety pictures

Most strokes are irrigated – they occur when there is a blockage in the artery or insufficient blood flow through this artery that causes the brain area damage.

Heart stroke occurs when a blood clot moves from the heart to the brain, and prevents blood flow to part of the brain.

Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFIB, describes the heartbeat very slow, very fast or irregular in another way. It can lead to stroke, heart failure or other complications.

AFIB affects more than 5 million American adults – this number is expected to grow to more than 12 million by 2030, according to the American Heart Association.

How can the thread reduce the risk of stroke

New research connects thread teeth at least once a week to 22 % lower risk of stroke, 44 % of the risk of heart attack and 12 % AFIB risk. Gety pictures

“Oral health behaviors are associated with inflammation and sclerosis,” Sen said. “The thread may reduce the risk of stroke by reducing oral infections and inflammation and encouraging other healthy habits.”

“Many people have expressed that dental care is expensive,” continued. “The thread is a healthy habit that is easy to adopt at reasonable and accessible prices everywhere.”

This is good news for 37 % of Americans who claim to be one once a week. Nearly 32 % of Americans admit that they are not mistaken at all, while the same amount states that they make mistakes daily.

In the Sen study, more than 6,200 people answered a questionnaire about the thread routine.

Participants continued for 25 years. During that time, 434 strokes and about 1,300 have experienced.

Often the thread led to a greater chance to reduce the risk of stroke.

The Sen team pointed out that the low risk of stroke was independent of tooth brushing, routine tooth visits and other oral hygiene habits.

The research, which is not reviewed next week, will be presented at the International Stroke Conference of the American Stroke 2025.

How to choose a healthy thread

It is important to use a thread that is not coated with “forever chemicals” to reduce your exposure. Getty Images/Istockphoto

In addition to a low risk of stroke, the thread removes plaque and food molecules from your teeth to reduce the risk of cavity and gum disease.

However, some threads that contain materials for each individual and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) have been found, so -called “chemicals forever” that are still standing in the body and are associated with a set of health problems.

A 2019 study by Silent Spring Institute Fluorine-a sign of PFAS-found in many brands of thread. PFAs help in paint in the chip thread between the teeth.

“We are concerned about the possibility that the chemical PFAs of the thread and manipulation will migrate,” Katie Burono, a silent spring research, told the “Post” this week.

She added: “We want to emphasize that it is important for people to thread as part of good oral hygiene.” “The good news is that some brands were found that does not contain PFAS.”

Boronow recommends searching for a thread made of nylon or non -covered or coated silk in natural wax.


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