Jenny Grestin, Vice -President of the House of Representatives and producer in downtown New York City, was raised to the new position of the director and the music theater, according to the President and Director of the New York City Center Michael S. Rosenberg.
In this newly created position, Geersten will work as the technical director of The Popular and Tony-Thansed Encores! Series and annual products. Responsible for programming and producing all the titles of the music theater in the historical institution, Gistin will continue to build on innovation and various artistic sounds that have achieved continuous success in Encores in the city center! Products including Jelly jam, once on the rank, Ragtime, and Titanic.
Over the course of last season, the attendance of the center's music theater reached the highest level ever with approximately 30 % of those tickets purchased for $ 40 or less.
Jersten will also work with Stanford McCchi, Vice President and Technician, Dance, and Taya Powell Harris, Vice President, Education and Community Participation, to expand the intersection between musical theatrical programming with dance, education and society programs. Since joining the city center team in 2020, you will lead the Encores! The technical team-Moscre Mary Mitchell Campbell and creative director Clint Ramos-coach Lier Dembsont, who was previously announced at the end of the season.
Rosenberg said, “Jenny has played a fundamental role in the success of our musical theatrical programs. She brought her artistic sensitivities and deep relationships with society new voices to our productions, and provides her skills in the production of Maher the decisive space to see the artist to form it. She has a severe understanding of the city center inheritance, and her long experience in this industry It makes it the natural option.
“I am the first in New Yorker and the second musical theater fan. Making music plays in the city center is the greatest privilege – to be a service not only for musical theater lovers, but also for many of our societies …
Gersten, a prize -winning producer, extends non -profit and commercial theater. Her career began as a co -producer and then a technical director of the Williastown theater festival. Jeisten occupied as a participant producer in the public theater, the executive director of the friends of the high line, and the producer of PAC NYC during design and planning. Modern credits include Only for us (Broadway), Beetlejuice (Broadway), Sweeini Todd (Outside Broadway), Gavin Kreil Walking through (With MCC), Broadway transfer to the central productions of the city procession and once.