Anamaria Goltes was on the part of Luka Doncic on its amazing journey from Europe to the American Professional League.
The amazing and influential Slovenian model, which was involved with Doncic in July 2023, will be prepared to support the American Professional League star in Los Angeles It is now shaking purple and gold.



After being a seven -seven -seven seven seasons, Donsic was traded to Los Angeles Lakers on Sunday.
I send thanks to the Mobile Forex for their support throughout the Dallas period in A. Social media mail.
Luca will attend along his fiancée, which also shared a reaction to the farewell message.
Thank you, one mother published on it Instagram story.
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Goltes made its first appearance in the 2017 fashion show with the lingerie company.
She now spends most of her time as a mother at home for their daughter Gabriella, and most of them are participants family Pictures on social media.
Since her husband, the American Professional League, will now work in Los Angeles, modeling and the profession of influences in GOLTes may start again.
Doncic and GOLTES announced its participation on July 7, 2023, in an Instagram joint publication.
Gabriella couple in the world welcomed in December of that year.
Bolts were born and brought up in the small town of Zorje Ob Savi in the middle Slovenia.
Her mother, Maga Beck Golts, has a law The pioneer, while her father graduated from the University of Liopulliana.
Goltes, which is ten -inch length, was a dancer in her youth and competed professionally for more than a decade.
She used to update Instagram followers with updates and ordinary fitness tips.
I met the skies future The American Professional League star Densic when the couple was only 12 years old.
I revealed how they fled for the first time on a trip to CroatiaStarting right so far in 2016.
“I answered this question like a million times.
“We met when we were twelve years old at the beach in Croatia.
“Fun truth: We still have the same group of friends at the time.
“You keep the real, am I right?”
The fans regularly overwhelm their charming footage of the American Professional League lifestyle with positive messages and horses.
One of them wrote the last surprise: “Simply great as always.”
Another added: “O, stop spending my attention from the game.”
While the third added: “the queen From the American Professional League !!! “
Doncic has been one of the leading young women in the American Professional League since joining the league in 2018.
In 2022, history was made by becoming the first player in the history of the American Professional League to score three -point dual.
Donchic mode New York Nix to the sword, scored 60 points, made 21 rebounds, and seized 10 passes in the additional work.
He helped direct Marax to the Western Conference Finals during that season before losing to the American Professional League champion in the end of the Golden State Warriors in five games.
The following year, in the 2023-24 campaign, Densic became the fourth league player date To put 72 points or more in a game.
MVP finished the season race In third place, he helped direct MAVS to the appearance of the American Professional League final, as he lost to the American Professional League champion Boston Celks in five games.
Quickly forward until 2025 and all the stars were named in both the last five seasons.
However, MAVERICKS chose the shock of the American Professional League and Doncic trade with Lakers for 10 stars Anthony Davis.
Doncic will cooperate with Lebron James and Lakers, who are between the ages of 28 and 19 for this season and ranks fifth in the Western Conference.
He lives in Dallas with the Politis and their family, but they are likely to find a new home in Los Angeles.
This will be in a line for a new profitable contract this summer.