Sony Lands International Rights To A24 Horror ‘Bring Her Back’

Sony Lands International Rights To A24 Horror ‘Bring Her Back’


ExclusiveSony has received most of the international rights of one of the most important horror projects in the market, A24 Return itThe next movie from Talk to me Directors Danny and Michael Philipo.

Currently in the Post, the original horror stars are Billy Parat, Sara Wong, Jouna Wayne Philips, Sally An Apton, Stephen Philips, and twice Oscar Sally Hokins.

Sony Pictures Worldwide acquired all international rights except Canada, China, Japan and Russia. A24 keeps home.

Details of the plot under the project are kept in the project, which I told you for the first time from last year.

Pre -approval is produced by knowing by Talk to me Samantha Jennings and Crystina Citton of Corusway, which also includes her credits Babadouk and Nightingale. Salira Products and Southern Australia Film Company. It is wrapped in a shooting exchange last summer in Australia.

Sony Pictures' Joe MotherKEWICZ, the president, brought acquisitions all over the world and his team, Virginia, EVP, Business Affairs, Ilan Kovu, VP Business Development to the studio and the deal.

Australian brothers Danny and Michael Philipo stormed the scene with Talk to meWhich played in midnight choices at the Sundance Film Festival 2023. The film has continued in a total of $ 50 million locally and 92 million dollars worldwide from a budget of $ 4.5 million, which represents the largest local horror version in A24 so far. Currently continued to develop with the studio.

In this film, a group of young friends discover how to evoke lives using a handful and become addicted to the new suspense until someone goes away and unleashes supernatural powers for terrifying nature. From the makeup of the actors, Return it It seems that it will also have a children's/youth angle.


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