Melissa Gilbert Champions ‘Little House On The Prairie’ Reboot

Melissa Gilbert Champions ‘Little House On The Prairie’ Reboot


TV original Laura Ingalls talks about Netflix plans to restart A small house on the wild.

“There is a room in Little HousE The universe for all different types of stories that must be listed, just like a space always in the world of young women to continue telling this story. “

“These are classic stories,” Gilbert said. “[The original] The interpretation of Michael Landon, and now it's time to explain another person. And I think there is a lot of space for that. I think there are many other stories that go beyond that. So I think this opens the door in several ways for all types A small house on the wilderness Projects.

Netflix recently revealed that it contains restart Small houseThat has a stunning appearance on the peacock recently. Rebecca Sunnchin (Boys, vampire diaries, archive 81It will serve as an exhibitor and executive producer about what Netflix describes as “re -imagine” the series based on the series of books written by Laura Ingaling Wilder. Other EPS is Joy Gorman Wettels for Joy Coalition, Dana Fox, Susanna Fogel and Trip Friendly for Friends Family Productions – which was pressing to restart for years.

Gilbert continued to tell EW that the new repetition “will do things that we could not necessarily do easily in the 1970s.” It indicates a diversity in making the new series that she hopes to achieve, but also responds to a recent tweet by Megan Kelly, who regretted the possibility of “wake up” in Netflix on the beloved concession.

“Have you seen the origin? Have you seen the episode of Solomon's wisdom? Gilbert told EW:“ I don't think we woke up more than that. ”Have you seen any of the episodes that we did about drug addiction, about birth, about the indigenous Americans, the chauvinists, anti -Semitism, Rape, child abuse, children's neglect, manufacturing? I mean, we covered everything that is going on in the world still. It is not my job to defend the word, but in my opinion, this means just sympathy for everyone. I do not understand why this is bad, and I do not think anyone can persuade it. ”

The new version of CBS Studios and DoonyMous Content Studios Charles, his wife Caroline and their daughters Laura and Mary will be followed while they are leaving Weskonsen for stability in independence, Kansas. There will be OSAGE characters, where the first season depends on the book A small house on the meadow.


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