Nova fashion customers for $ 2.4 million in a “deceptive review” settlement – can choose two options.
After allegations that the fast fashion brand “suppressed reviews” online, more than 148,000 customers can expect the recovered amounts.
The allegations surrounding the removal of negative customer reviews were highlighted for the first time by the Federal Trade Committee in January 2022.
However, FTC has since announced that a total of $ 2.4 million will be distributed to customers as part of the settlement.
The fashion Nova also agreed to a settlement order that prevents it from hiding customer reviews again, says officials.
“The fashion has been distorted that the product reviews on its website reflect the views of all the customers who presented reviews, in fact, reviews with less than four stars of five stars.”
Read more in Nova fashion
But FTC added this is the first case that involves efforts to hide the negative customer reviews.
The two options
FTC claimed that it sends both checks and paypal to more than 148,000 qualified customers.
Those who receive checks should spend within 90 days or recover PayPal payments within 30 days.
Anyone who purchased an element from the company before November 21, 2019 and made a “valid claim” to FTC before August 15, 2023 qualified.
Original FTC complaint
Originally, FTC complained that Nova's fashion was manipulated in January 2022, as the United States of America revealed today.
Al -Shakawi said: “From late 2015 to mid -November 2019, Fashion Nova chose to get reviews from four and five -star automatically to the website, but she did not agree or publish hundreds of thousands of lower stars, and more negative reviews.”
FTC was preserved in the same complaint that removing negative reviews led to deviant opinion Of its products.
What is the fashion Nova
The brand for fast fashion works primarily on the Internet and is a well -known user for dependent marketing.
She shoots five sites throughout southern California and opened her first store in Panorama.
Richard Sagian, the current CEO of the company, established it in 2006.
The Internet was connected in 2013 and claimed that it was “the main source of shoppers all over the world.”
Nova fashion was treated for comment.