Fox Talent will be valid in The Big Game this weekend as the TeleCast Super Bowl network will use to display its entertainment programs.
The reality star Gordon Ramsey, who falls on FOX this year, will be cooking at Bourbon Street at the Sunday exhibition before the match, which will also include Rob Lowe, the SUPER BOOL show, the earth.
John Ham, Fox Motion Star GrimsburgThe players will announce to the Mother State team, Kansas Chifz, as they leave the tunnel.
Also in the game will be Convincing singer Nick Canon host and Animal control Joel Machil.
New seasons Earth, convincing singer And Ramsay The next levelAlong with the new survival competition series Extract, It is displayed in a design group for “Super Week” Spox Fox, where it will come out of the end of the first half in Kendrick Lamar. He was appointed to the song Lamar Excellence.
You can see it above.